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新疆机电职业技术学院 机电一体化专业 2011级 毕业设计(论文) 课 题 FCJ-型自行式液压翻车机设计 姓 名 汪 奎 指导教师 王 笑 2013年11月13日 摘 要 翻车机是矿山常用的一种卸矿机械,原矿石由矿车编组运输至矿仓上方后,由翻车机卸入矿仓,随着采矿技术的发展和提高产量的需要,原设计的翻车机往往不能满足要求,FCJ-Ⅱ型的自行式液压翻车机是一种新型的翻车机,它很好的解决了这一困难,生产实践表明,这种翻车机已成为重要的矿山生产设备。 FCJ-Ⅱ型的自行式液压翻车机是为满足矿山的需要,根据原研制的FCJ-Ⅰ型的压翻车机在使用中的情况,根据需要研改制而成的,更便于生产,提高了生产效率,降低了工作强度。此次设计是仿制设计,基本上采用教授研制的液压翻车机样机的基本结构形式,结构和工作原理,通过对整机的结构了解,绘制整机装配图,在此基础上自主研制翻车机的液压系统设计,主要包括系统工作压力的确定,执行元件的控制确定,拟订液压系统原理图,计算执行元件主要参数,选择液压控制元件和辅件,绘制管路布置图和设计液压站。 通过本次设计,研究和计算,成功的完成了FCJ-Ⅱ型的自行式液压翻车机上的液压系统设计。 关键词:液压翻车机,液压系统,原理,元件,参数。 Abstract The tripping device is the mine commonly used one kind unloads the ore machinery, the raw ore by the mine car grouping transportation after the pocket above,unloads into the pocket by the tripping device, and enhances the output a log with the mining technology development the need, the original design tripping device of ten cannot answer the purpose, the FCJII Like hydraulic pressure tripping device is one kind of new tripping device voluntarily, it very good solution this difficulty, the production practice had indicated, this kind of tripping device has become the important mine production equipment. The FCJII like hydraulic pressure tripping device is voluntarily for satisfies the mine the need, according to the original development FCJI pressure tripping device in use situation, according to needs to grind changes the system but becomes, is advantageous for the production, enhanced the production efficiency, reduced the working strength. This design imitates the design, basically uses the hydraulic pressure tripping device prototype basic structure form the structure and the principle of work, through understood to the en ti re ma chine structure, draws up the entire machine assembly drawing, develops the tripping device in this foundation the hydraulic system design, the system working pressure


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