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Press Conference Time :Dec 12,2001 16:00—17:00 Title :Chance from Carrefour to Chengdu Purpose:Transmit the mutuality information ,Exhibit the corporation visualize、Spread abroad corporation manage. Attendee——Carrefour :President of Asia area、President of China area、President of SW China、other staffer Others:Province city officers 、press Place: Meeting room of Carrefour (Zijin) Goods:Press fee 10 pieces、banner 2 、Background board 1 、fresh flower 1 Fresh flowerage 8、sign in goods 2 、Present and present bag 40 、bacore 1、inviting card 50、VIP flower、etc. 灯光关闭—灯光和开场音乐起由弱渐强—主持人旁白—音乐灯光达到高潮而止—主持人上场介绍当天会议议程—短小精干的劲舞1曲---嘉宾上场演讲时间—记者提问时间—主持人谢幕—活动结束 Budget:20,000 Agenda:PLS see the attachment 2 Annotate: 1、All news will be transmit by press at the day or the second day on newspaper or TV. 2、For Carrefour we think the collocation should be more sobriety and permeate modern feeling.We will briefing it another time. * 升旗仪式: 时间:2001年12月29日 主题:新店开业升旗仪式 目的:树立企业良好的形象、展现企业规范的管理机制、增强员工的主人意识。 参加人员:家乐福管理层人员及员工、嘉宾、新闻记者、现场消费者等 地点:家乐福新店门前 物料准备:中国国旗、家乐福店旗、家乐福标志旗、司仪、20人军乐队、旗手3人、护旗6人、氢气球、彩带等 场景描述:人员列队—出旗、护旗—司仪宣布升旗仪式开始—乐队奏乐—升国旗—升店旗—升标志旗---放飞氢气球—抛彩带—退出场地—仪式结束—进入剪彩仪式阶段 费用预算:6000元 仪式流程:见附件三 * Time:Dec 29,2001 Title:Raise flag of Opening ceremonial Purpose:Building up the good corporation visualize、Exhibit the canonical manage、Boost up the employee host consciousness. Attendee:Carrefour starffer、VIP、Press、consumer and so on. Place:Gate of Carrefour (Zjin) Goods list:national flag (China)、Carrefour store flag、Carrefour flag、Emcee、Brass band 20 person、Bannerman 3 、convoy 6、Balloon 2、coloured fillet Budget:6000元 Agenda:PLS see the attachment 3 Raise flag ceremonial * Opening ceremonial Purpose: Declare the news of Carrefour (Zijin) opening to society, introduce the carrefour manage and service and praise the appetency. Atten


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