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动词词组练习(D,E,F) deal in 买卖, 经营 deal with 应付, 处理; 对待; 论述, 涉及; 惠顾; 与…交易, 和…做买卖 deal out 分配,分给 That shop deals in mens clothing. This book deals with life in the United States. We have dealt with that firm for many years. Deal out three cards to each player. decide on 就…做出决定, 决定要 decide against 决定不做… decide between 在…之间做出抉择 They decided against a picnic in the park due to the bad weather. The enemy must decide between surrender and starvation. .Have you decided on a date for your wedding? declare for 宣布支持… declare against 声明反对 declare on 宣布…将要发生 declare off 宣布取消(某事) The war between the two countries has been declared on. The electors declared against their former Member of Parliament because of his political scandal. If you can’t attend the meeting, we have to declare it off. die away (尤指声音、光、风)逐渐消失, 停止 die off (一组生命体)一个接一个地死去直到死光…而献身 die of 死于(疾病、过度悲伤等内因) die from 死于(车祸等外因) die out (指物种、家族、习惯、观念等)绝迹, 消失 His footsteps died away in the darkness. The deer in the forest are all dying off from disease. It’s too hot and Im really dying for a drink. He is the last of the family; after his death the family will die out. In a severe winter, wild animals can die from lack of food. People are dying of cancer more and more often. drive away 驱车离开;把…驱开, 赶走 drive at 暗示, 意指 drive up 驱车来到;使…上升 I cant guess what you are driving at. Will technological advances drive up unemployment? You should not drive a car away without the owner’s permission drop in at 顺便拜访某地 drop in on 顺便拜访某人 drop on 挑中,选中;发现; 找到 drop off 不知不觉入睡;落下;送下车; 送到 drop by 顺便来访 drop behind 落后; 落后于 Ill drop by on my way home if I have time. The Secretary asked me to drop in at his office. I am very busy, I hope nobody will drop in on me tonight. Why does he always drop on me to answer the most difficult questions? Our team dropped behind in the league matches when a third of the players went on holiday. do with


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