Social Network Capital, Economic Mobility and Poverty Traps社会网络资本,经济的流动性和贫困陷阱.ppt

Social Network Capital, Economic Mobility and Poverty Traps社会网络资本,经济的流动性和贫困陷阱.ppt

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Social Network Capital, Economic Mobility and Poverty Traps社会网络资本,经济的流动性和贫困陷阱

Consider an economy with For Example of endogenous network formation protocol in the simulation Example of endogenous network formation protocol in the simulation Endogenous network formation Basic simulation illustration Different patterns for an autarkically mobile household a a a a Different patterns for a household autarkically mobile given its S0 b b b b Different patterns for a household whose mobility depends on social links c c c c Different patterns for a destitute, economically immobile household ci ci ci ci Targeted transfers and “crowding in” effect h h e e f f e f h e f h Targeted transfers and “crowding in” effect Conclusions Conclusions Social network capital can facilitate escape from poverty by complementing own capital for those who lack sufficient assets or substituting and thus conserving scarce resources for those who would escape otherwise But because social links are costly to established and require mutual consent, there will commonly be social isolation and exclusion in the equilibrium The equilibrium social network arrangements and the resulting well-being dynamics depend fundamentally on initial wealth distribution in the economy, not just on household endowments (but on their social distance from others) Implications Empirical work establishing correlation between well-being dynamics and measures of social embeddedness typically seeks just one of the types of relations … highly context-specific Work that finds no correlation can be an artifact of widespread social exclusion and social isolation Crowding-in transfers are possible through endogenous network, in contrast to the widely claims of crowding-out effects (which typically treat social network as exogenous) Thank you for your attention Comments are greatly appreciated Equilibrium social networks and long-run equilibria (100 randomly generated economy) Parameterization of the simulation Network simulation statistics Sample proportion of th



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