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本科生毕业设计(论文) 城市客运交通枢纽客流与换乘分析 题目: 摘 要 随着我国城市化进程的迅猛发展,大城市现有的交通设施无法承受交通需求量,出现诸如交通堵塞、停车困难、环境恶化等交通问题。而现代社会经济的发展要求各种交通方式的有效衔接,建立高效、安全、便捷的交通运输体系,实现交通的一体化发展。综合客运枢纽是各种方式交通网络的交汇点,是客流集散、换乘的主要场所。综合客运枢纽换乘的优劣,直接关系到综合客运交通系统中各种交通方式之间的衔接配合及功能的充分发挥。因此,为了充分发挥城市交通的运输效益,提高换乘效率,缓解城市面临的日趋严重的交通压力,必须要依据我国国情对交通枢纽换乘系统进行一系列的分析与改善,本文结合徐州市火车东站交通枢纽换乘的现实情况,从方便乘客换乘与快速疏导交通的角度出发,针对东站换乘枢纽交通换乘衔接、换乘效率及换乘信息建设现状进行了一些调查,总结了站前广场普遍存在的共性问题;对出租车停车场、公交停靠站、长途汽车站及自行车停车场的管理提出了建设对策,对整个枢纽的长期发展做出了改善建议。 关键词 :交通枢纽 ; 换乘 ;客流分析 ;徐州东站 ABSTRACT Along with the rapid development of urbanization,cities can not afford the current traffic demand of transport facilities, conditions such as traffic congestion, parking problems, traffic problems ,environmental degradation appear. Modern social demands economic development of effective convergence of various modes of transportation, the establishment of efficient, safe, and convenient transportation system, to achieve integrated development of transport. Integrated passenger transport hub is the intersection of network in various ways and the passenger distribution, transfer of the main venues. The merits of integrated passenger transfer hub is directly related to the integrated passenger transport system in the interface between the various transport modes and the full functions. So, to maximize the transport efficiency of urban traffic, improve transfer efficiency and ease the growing transport pressure of cities, we must do a series of analysis and improvement based on conditions on the transportation hub of China transfer system. In this paper, the author did a number of investigates combining Xuzhou, East Railway Station transportation hub in the reality of transfer passengers to transfer from a convenient and rapid flow of traffic perspective, aiming at transfer articulation, transfer efficiency and transfer of information ,summarizes the s


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