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Longman welcome to English 1A-4A 单词句子闯关大赛 1A 重点单词 I. 中译英 1. 爸爸笔袋嘴巴棕色哥哥橡皮朋友机器人黑色书写1. Is he your f__________? --No, he is my brother. 2. My m__________ is a housewife. She works at home. 3. I have lots of t________. Come to my home and play with me! 4. Can I borrow(借) your pencil s______________? I want to sharpen my pencil. 5. Look, Mary and Sally are twins. Sally is the little s_________. 6. --What is your n_________? – I’m John. 7. People eat with their m____________, see with their e__________ and listen with their e_________. 8. Don’t eat too much! You’ll be f_________. 9. Tom is 2cm t________ than Peter. He is 160cm. 10. I want to w________a letter to my pen pal(笔友). 1B 重点单词 I. 中译英 1. 兔子仓鼠橱柜动物大象睡觉踢足球连衣裙短裙长裤乌龟衬衫 骑自行车跳牛仔裤企鹅“Carrot” is a kind of plant. “Panda” is a kind of a_____________. 2. Can you count to t_____________? -- Of course, 1 2 3 4 …20. – Good job! 3. Nine plus ten is e_________________.-- No, it’s nineteen. 4. T____________ is between twelve and f_______________. 5. It lives in the south pole. It’s black and white. It’s a cute p_____________! 6. We should r__________ on the road. 7. 2016 is the year of the M______________. 8. Where are my s____________? My feet are cold. III 根据提示回答句子。 1.-- _____________________________________________________________________-- There are five hippos. 2. Where are the plates? (在橱柜里面)_____________________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________________ No, they aren’t. They are on the chair. 4. What are these? (狮子)_______________________________________________________________________ 2A重点单词 I. 中译英 1. 操场爬树害怕男警察家庭主妇在草地上走女服务员制造噪音乘坐迷你巴士 火车医生 摘花 游泳池网球场厕所. --How do you come to school? (回答:走路去) 2 --___________________________________________________________? -- I live in Wuhan. 3. --_______________________________________________________--My English teacher is Mr. Lee. 4._____________________________________________? /____________


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