国际市场营销复笔记英文原版 中文翻译.docx

国际市场营销复笔记英文原版 中文翻译.docx

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国际市场营销复笔记英文原版 中文翻译

International Marketing Exam Review Notes International marketing; Is simply the application of marketing principles to more than one country.国际市场营销:简单来说,就是市场营销原则的应用不再局限于一个国家Global Marketing; is a firm‘s ability to market to almost all countries on the planet.全球营销:是一个公司有能力在全球建立市场Trends and Events;趋势和项目1. The growth of The World Trade Organization and regional trade areas such as the North American Free Trade Area and The European Union.世贸,北美自由贸易区,欧盟都在增长2. The trend towards the acceptance of the free market system among developing countries in Latin America, Asia, and Eastern Europe. 拉丁美洲,亚洲,东欧的发展中国家对自由市场体系的接受的趋势3. the burgeoning impact of the Internet and Global media on the dissolution of national borders互联网和全球媒体迅速发展的影响打破了国界4. the mandate to properly manage the resources and the global environment for the generations to come.正确管理资源的命令和未来全球的环境Pro-Globalists; Pro-globalists argue that the modern world is experiencing rapid convergence in tastes and preferences, and a standardization of worldwide production, distribution, and manufacturing.赞成全球化者:他们认为全球正在经历审美和选择的快速收敛,是全球范围的标准化的生产,分配,制造的过程Anti-Globalists; They rebel against the implications of its existence and vehemently challenge the view that it is inevitable and naturally occurring. 反对全球化者:他们对抗存在的影响,激烈的挑战不可避免的和必然发生的观点Self-Reference Criterion (SRC); is an unconscious reference to one’s own cultural values, experiences, and knowledge as a basis for decisions.自我参考标准:是无意识的参考文化价值,经验和知识为基础做出的决定Ethnocentrism; the notion that one’s own culture or company knows best how to do things.民族优越感:是一种认为自己的文化或公司是最好的的观念Stages of International Marketing Involvement国际市场营销参与的阶段No Direct Foreign Marketing; In this stage the firm does not actively cultivate customers outside national boundaries; however, this company’s products may reach foreign markets.不直接国外市场营销:这个阶段的公司并不积极的培养国外消费者,然而公司的产品可以到达国外市场Infrequent Foreign Marketing; Sales to foreign markets are made as goods are available, with little or no intention of maintaining continuous m


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