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Text (P. 114 Activity 11) 4. so…that… 如此……以致于 When I won the prize, I was so excited that I couldn’t say a word. 5. elect sb as 把某人选为…… Zhang Hui was elected as their monitor. 6. due The rent is due (到期的,应付的) tomorrow.明天该付房租了。 The ship is due (预定应到的) here at 3 pm. due to由于 He set up his own band in 2001. Answer the questions according to the text. (P. 115) 1. They were dissatisfied with the condition of the property. 2. They set up a residents’ committee. 3. They were worried and angry about his inactivity. 4. He became chairman of the committee. 5. They were tired of telephoning the agent and tired of complaining. 6. They asked him to say that they were disappointed with the management of the flats. 7. They will pay the service payment when they are happy with the plans to improve the property. 8. They felt very pleased with themselves. Language Focus (6) (P. 120) Layout of A Business Letter 业务信函格式 1. Letter Head 信头(写信人地址) 2. Date 日期 3. Inside Name and Address 封内行名和地址(收信人地址) 4. Salutation 称呼 5. Heading 标题 6. Message 正文 7. Complimentary Close 结束敬语 8. Signature 签名 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 5 Language Focus (6) (P. 120) 1.称呼语的格式: Dear + 名(如:Dear Mary) Dear + Mr/ Mrs/ Ms + 姓 (如: Dear Mr Hall) 不知姓名:对男性称Dear Sir,对女性称Dear Madam 不知性别:写 Dear Sir/Madam 2. 正文的开头语 (说明写信意图): 例:I am writing to you to complain about… Thank you for your letter of 5 January about the flats. I am writing in response to/ in reply to your letter of 5 January… Language Focus (6) (P. 120) 3. 正文的结束语,常用I look forward to hearing from you.表示希望收到对方的回信。 4. 署名前的客套语,例: 正式: Yours sincerely, (英国) Yours faithfully, (英国) Sincerely yours, (美国) Yours truly, (美国) 非正式:Yours, Best wishes, 5.正文要分段写。 Exercise (P. 119 Activity 15) Part A 1. SE9 3DY 2. 32-36 Hampton Road 3. St John’s Court 4. Flat 14 5. Newcastle 6. Northumberland a. building name 大楼名称 b. building number and road 楼号及街道 c. county 郡,县 d. flat number 公


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