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编号 论文 题目: 学院专业 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 二〇 年月 摘 要 —附件—画图),是一款简单,易用的画图软件,能满足一些画点、画线、画矩形、画圆等的简单功能. 根据所学的计算机图形学的知识,使用Visual Basic 作为开发工具,设计一个画图软件.基本实现windows系统画图软件的所有功能.可以为左右键分别指定颜色,同时使用两种颜色画图.可添加坐标轴及刻度,可以绘制简单函数曲线,可控制各图形的精准位置和尺寸.可以使用纯色或多种材质使用喷枪或填充图形.可以实时截取全屏幕或动态窗口图片加以编辑,保存.可以实现图形的复制、剪切、粘贴、删除,文件的打开和保存.设计有快速启动页,可打开最近文件,提高效率;多窗口操作,界面美观,操作方便. 关键词: Visual Basic;随机文件读写;填充;贝塞尔;Bresenham ABSTRACT With the popularization and development of multimedia technology, the use of drawing software in the life and work are increasingly frequent.There are numerous of the various types of drawing software, but most of them either function is too simple that can not meet the need of drawing or design is too complex, functional burden, lack of ease of use. Paint software that comes with Windows (Start - Accessories - Paint), is a simple, easy-to-use and meets the simple function of the draw point, draw lines, draw a rectangle, circle, etc. According to the knowledge of the computer graphics, using Visual Basic as a development tool to design a drawing software. Basically all the features of the Microsoft Paint will be included in this drawing software. For the left and right arrow keys to specify a color,you can use both color drawing. Can be added to the axis scale, and can draw the curve of the simple function, and you can control the precise location and size of the graph. You can use a solid color or a variety of materials to use the gun or filled shapes. You can be capture real-time interception of full-screen or dynamic window picture to edit, save. Graphics to copy, cut, paste, delete, open and save files. The design of the Quick Start page to open the file, increase efficiency; multi-window operation, beautiful interface, easy to operate. Keywords: Visual Basic; Random file read and write; fill; Bezier; Bresenham 目 录 1章 绪论 1 1.1 课题背景 1 1.2 目前现状 1 1.3 绘图软件概述 2 1.3.1 基本介绍 2 1.3.2


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