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* * Chapter Six Nobody wins (ⅰ) an astronaut a comet spaceship rocket space station telescope 行星距离太阳近的时候运转速度快,对吗? 距离地球最近的恒星是 什么? 金星属于哪类行星? 对 太阳 类地行星 哈雷彗星绕太阳运行的周期约为 76年 发射第一颗人造卫星的国家是: 前苏联 UFO的具体含义是: 不明飞行物 天空上的星星为什么有的亮,有的暗? 发光能力不一样 月球上的“海”是: 洼地 天文台屋顶的裂缝是: 天窗 产生海水潮汐的主要原因是: 月亮引力 观测气象用的百叶箱为什么漆成白色? 反射太阳光 北斗星的勺柄指向北极星对吗? 对 卫星最多的是: 土星 著名的哈雷彗星命名源于: 人名 在九大行星中,被称为最冷的行星是哪一颗? 冥王星 地球离太阳距离最近的时候,是我国的: 1月2日 北极星处于天空中的: 小熊星座 离地面越高空气越稀薄是因为: 空气受到地球引力影响 哈雷慧星的最早记录是波斯人 中国人 嫦娥一号的奔月之旅大约需要几天的时间才能到达目的地 8-9天 1.How long does it take for the Earth to ground the Sun? 2.How long does it take for the Moon to go round the Earth? 3.a. How many planets are there? b. What are their name? 4.a.What is a star? b. How many stars are there? 5.a.What is a comet? The Earth orbits the Sun once every year, every 365 (The Moon orbits the Earth about once every month, every 29 days. We say that the moon has four phases: new moon, waxing moon, full moon and waning moon) a. Nine b. Mercury, Venus, earth ,Mars ,Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus ,Neptune and Pluto a. A huge ball of burning gas b. No one knows-countless billions A comet is a ball of ice and dust that goes round the Sun. It has a tail and is much small than a planet. 6.Who were the first people to visit the Moon? 7.Have spaceships without people on board visited the planets? 8.Why do people become weightless in space? 9.What was the first living thing to travel in space? The American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin. They do not have the gravity of Earth to pull them down. On the Earth ,a person in a spacesuit weigh about 135kg. On the Moon ,he /she weighs only about1/6 of that ,23kg, because the moon is smaller and has less gravity than the Earth. Yes, these space probes have flown round all the planets? A dog called Laika was sent up into orbit by the Russians. It died after one week in space when it ran out of oxygen. Can you tell me what the space is ? An empty area between or on things (countabl


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