人教版英语九年级unit 1How can we become good learners 教学课件(Period5).ppt

人教版英语九年级unit 1How can we become good learners 教学课件(Period5).ppt

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人教版英语九年级unit 1How can we become good learners 教学课件(Period5)

* * Unit 1 How can we become good learners? 北京农业大学附属中学 朱瑞兵 第五课时 Period 5 写前活动 Read the poem Tips for Beginners . You are like a new baby Babies learn their language slowly. First they learn to listen. Then they learn to talk. Finally, they can read and write. Listen to English every day Listen to English radio. Watch English TV. Go to English movies. Use online lessons. Make an English friend Make up conversations. Practise dialogues. Use beginner textbooks. Read English stories Start with childrens storybooks. Read advertisements, signs and labels. Write down new words Start a vocabulary (new word) notebook. Write words in alphabetical order (A...B...C...). Make example sentences. Always use an English-English dictionary first. Keep an English diary Start with one sentence. How do you feel? How is the weather? What did you do today? Write another sentence tomorrow. Visit an English speaking country Learn English more quickly. Stay with an English family. Hear native speakers talk. Have a fun experience. 写前活动 How many ways of learning English does the poem mention? What are they? Brainstorm the ways of learning English. 写前活动—小组活动 Fill in your difficulty and interview your group members, then fill in the chart. Samples: I have a problem. I can’t remember the new words. I can’t pronounce some of the words. I can’t understand spoken English. I always make mistakes in grammar. I read very slowly. I don’t know how to speak English well. 写前活动—填写表格 Interview one of your group members about her/his difficulty about learning English and give three pieces of advice at least, then fill in the chart. difficulties Advice 写前活动—对话练习 Interview one of your group members about her/his difficulty about learning English and give three pieces of advice at least, then fill in the chart. difficulties Advice Sample : A: What is y


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