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有关媒介即按摩”及其在网络时代的价值的探究 中英文对照 The medium is the massage and its value in the Internet age study of Chinese and English language compared   20世纪60年代,正当英国甲壳虫乐队大举冲击美国广播电视之际,享誉全球的“媒介大巫”麦克卢汉出版了其最为畅销的《媒介即按摩》一书。此书犹如天之神谕,以格言警 In the 1960 s, just as the beatles heavily impact the American broadcast television, medium of the worlds most prestigious Marshall McLuhan has published the most best-selling book the medium is the massage. The book is like a day of oracle, with maxim p 句搭配图片、照片,其构思之精巧、语言之精妙,令人叹为观止。“媒介即按摩”一语也凭着书籍畅销100万册的业绩,①以及美国哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)和美国国家广播公司 Words with pictures, photos, their idea is exquisite, elegant language, amazing. The language also with books medium is the massage sold 1 million copies of performance, (1) and the Columbia broadcasting company (CBS) and the national broadcasting company (NBC)同步发行的同名唱片和专题纪录片,②成为麦克卢汉最为流行的“标签”之一。 (NBC) release records and special documentary of the same name, (2) becomes one of the most popular tag McLuhan.   知识界对“媒介即按摩”的误解 Intellectual community of medium is the massage misunderstandings   时至今日,知识界对“媒介即按摩”的理解仍是仁者见仁、智者见智。其中,将之视为麦克卢汉惯用的文字游戏的看法最为盛行。莱文性特征。用金惠敏先生的话说,“这实际 Today, the intellectual understanding of medium is the massage is still the opinion and views. Among them, as Marshall McLuhan idiomatic word game view is most prevalent. Levin sexual characteristics. In the words of Mr Jin Huimin, it actually 上是将文学研究范式引入媒介研究”。意大利学者兰伯特以整书内容阐发了麦克卢汉媒介研究的文学根源,她认为,麦克卢汉的媒介研究根源于其对教父传统和17世纪英国玄学派 Is introducing literature research paradigm on media research. lambert to Italian scholars exposition of the whole book content roots, Marshall McLuhan media research literature, she thinks, McLuhans media research is rooted in its traditional to godfather and 17th century English metaphysical 诗歌的研究,根源于古典人文三学科(语法、修辞、逻辑)的知识背景和现代主义的形式实验。[13]以至于麦克卢汉自己都承认,他“对媒介的研究深深扎根于瑞恰慈、利维斯、 Classical poetry study, rooted in three disciplines of humanities (grammar, rhetoric, logic), knowledge background and modernism in the form of experiment. [13] tha



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