六上 Unit6 单元知识归纳.doc

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六上 Unit6 单元知识归纳

6AUnit 6 Keep our city clean 单元知识归纳 单词 Keep 保持,维持 clean 干净的,整洁的 make 使...变得 Photo 相片 air 空气 dirty 肮脏的 smoke 烟雾 Rubbish 垃圾 messy 乱七八糟的 dead 死的 bin 垃圾桶 Plant 种植,栽种 more 更多的 museum博物馆 throw 扔 Skin 果皮 slip 滑倒 fall 摔倒 二、词组 1. keep our city clean保持我们的城市整洁 2. look at these pictures of our city看我们城市的这些图片 3. make our city dirty 使我们的城市变脏 4. smoke from cars汽车尾气 5. make the air dirty使空气变脏 6. black smoke from factories来自工厂的黑烟 7. make the streets messy使街道变乱 8. in the water在水里 9. take the bus and the metro to school=go to school by bus and metro乘公共车和地铁上学 10. walk to school=go to school on foot走路上学 11. move some factories away把工厂搬走 12. put rubbish in the bin把垃圾放进垃圾箱 13. plant more trees种更多的树 14. help keep the air clean有助于保持空气洁净 15. your ideas你们的主意 16. well done干得好 17. throw rubbish on the floor 把垃圾扔在地上 18. walk home 走回家 19. after school放学后 20.live in the city 住在城里 21. clean and beautiful又干净又漂亮 22. throw a banana skin on the ground把香蕉皮扔在地上 23. eat bananas吃香蕉 24. do that那样做 25. pick it up 把它捡起来 26. too late/early 太迟/早了 27. slip on the banana skin在香蕉皮上滑倒 28. go to hospital 去医院(看病) 29. Look for sth. 寻找某物 30. Look after sb. 照看某人 31. Look out 小心 32. Look out of... 通过... 向外看 33. Move... away from... 从... 搬走 34. Pick...up 捡起 35. Live there 住在那儿 36. Plant orange trees 种植橘子树 37. Give a speech on this topic 作有关这个话题的演讲 38. Throw rubbish on the floor 把垃圾扔在地上 39. Two little black birds 两只小画眉 40. One named Jack=one called Jack 一个名叫杰克 41. Come back 回来 42. Come back from.... 从...回来 43. Come back to 回到... 44. To keep the ... clean 为保持...清洁 45. Shoe shops 鞋店 二、句子 1. What makes th


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