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 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 29 石河子大学汉语言专业民考汉学生与民考民学生对新疆双语教育认识的比较 【摘要】本文在对石河子大学汉语言专业学生进行问卷调查的基础上,分析石河子大学汉语言专业概况,比较民考汉学生与民考民学生学习专业的效果,发现两者在专业学习中所存在的问题。在遵循双语教育原则的前提下,分析影响民考汉学生与民考民学生在汉语言专业学习中的情感因素,以及对汉语言专业民考汉学生与民考民学生对双语教育的认识进行比较分析,探讨民考汉学生与民考民学生在双语教育大背景下对待母语、汉语、双语及双语教育的态度。通过共性分析和差异性对比分析,总结出民考汉学生与民考民学生的语言态度及及汉语语言能力上的一些特点以及对双语教育的一些启示,帮助他们树立正确的双语教育认识的观念意识,立足汉语专业优势,明确学生对汉语课堂教学内容的认知,激发汉语学习的乐趣,达到提高双语教育能力的目的,从而有效的提高汉语学习的质量,也有助于新疆双语教育工作的开展。 【关键词】 新疆双语教育;汉语言专业;存在的问题;情感因素;认识比较; 【Abstract】The on the basis of Shihezi University and majored in Chinese language students questionnaire, with the gradual increase of Xinjiang bilingual education efforts, focusing on understanding and analysis of the development of the importance of bilingual education in Xinjiang, and analysis of Shihezi University and majored in Chinese language situation, min Kao Han students and people test the students in professional learning in the existing problems found that both learning Chinese effect how? Under the premise of following the principles of bilingual education, analysis influence people admitted to the students and the Han people admitted to the students in the major of Chinese language learning of affective factors, what kinds of the factors affecting both Chinese learning effect? And on the Chinese language and professional people admitted to Chinese students and people understanding on bilingual education students comparison analysis, on democracy and Kao Han students and people admitted students in bilingual education under the background of treatment to the mother language, Chinese, bilingual and bilingual education attitude. Through the analysis of the commonness and difference of comparative analysis, summed up the Min Kao Han students and people some characteristics of students attitude towards language and the Chinese language ability test and some inspiration of bilingual education, and help them to establish a bilingual education in the correct understanding of the concept of consciousne


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