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outline Target farms 目标猪场 Antibiotic vs vaccination 抗生素与疫苗免疫 Enterisol Ileitis and respiratory disease 恩特瑞猪回肠炎活疫苗和呼吸道疾病 Ileitis and Diariea 回肠炎与腹泻 Philippine experience on Ileitis 菲律宾防控回肠炎经验 Target farms 目标猪场 Acute leitis (dead pigs, bloody diarrhoea)急性回肠炎(死猪,血便) Mild clinical/chronic温和临床/慢性 Sub-clinical 亚临床 How does the target farm look like? 哪些是我们的目标猪场? Example: France (subclinical farm) 例:法国(亚临床猪场) Diagnostically positive for Lawsonia (6 BS at the end of fattening) 劳森菌诊断阳性 No clinical symptom of ileitis 没有回肠炎的临床症状 Farms with digestive antibiotics (flatdeck after 6 weeks of age and/or fattening) 使用消化道抗生素 (6周龄后平床期和/或育肥期) ADWG fattening 685 g/day 育肥期的平均日增重685克/天 How does the target farm look like? 哪些是我们的目标猪场? Example: France (subclinical farm) 例:法国(亚临床猪场) Concept of Enterisol? Ileitis ELISA Seroprofiling: 回肠炎血清谱解读: THE 4-POINT ADVANTAGE 4点信息 Antibiotics vs Vaccination 抗生素 与 疫苗免疫 Antimicrobials are active for a limited time. 抗生素的作用时间有限。 To extend the time of effectiveness, multiple treatments or higher doses might be necessary. 要延长效用时间,就需要多次或高剂量使用抗生素。 One vaccine dose protects lifelong 一次免疫即可提供终生保护 Antimicrobials can provide immunity ??? 抗生素能够提供免疫力 ??? In practice this can not work as the infection advances very slowly through a pig population. 实际生产中不会,因为感染在一个猪群中的发展非常慢。 Some pigs will always be susceptible after withdrawal of antimicrobials. 抗生素休药后,总会有些猪易感。 Vaccination provides immunity 疫苗免疫提供免疫力 Antimicrobial treatment is usually started after the first clinical symptoms are seen. 往往都是在首次看到临床症状后才进行抗生素治疗. If you see clinical symptoms the economic damages are already present. 看到临床症状时就已经造成经济损失了. Therefore Antimicrobial treatment is always too late. 因此进行抗生素治疗的时机总是太晚. Vaccination provides preventive intervention before clinical manifestation of the disease 疫苗免疫在临床表现疾病之前进行预防性干预 Long-term or multiple antibiotic treatments throughout growing/fattening period might be necessary against sub-clinical Ileitis. 控制亚临床回肠炎需要在生长育肥期进行长期或多


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