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旅馆的缺点英语作文一 篇一:英语写作酒店展望 近年来,我国酒店行业发展迅猛,不仅在酒店数量、档次还是酒店的集团化等方面都取得了重大进展。我认为,在今后几年,我国的酒店行业还会随着旅游业的发展而继续发展。而且在随着我国经济水平程度不断提高,我国酒店行业未来的发展呈现出新的发展趋势。30年后的事情真的很难预测。但是作为一个酒店管理专业的学生,是时候考虑考虑这个行业的前景了。 In recent years, China#39;s hotel industry developing rapidly, not only in quantity, grade, or hotel have made great progress in such aspects as the collectivization. I think, in the next few years, China#39;s hotel industry will continue to develop with the development of tourism. And along with our country economy level degree unceasing enhancement, our country hotel industry presents the new development trend of future development. After 30 years of things really hard to predict. But as a hotel management specialized student, it#39;s time to think about the prospect of the industry. 首先,我认为,总的来说,未来我国的酒店数量会减少,但是酒店的质量会越来越高。同时,酒店的规模也会越来越大。为什么我会这样说呢?随着中国经济的发展,酒店行业的竞争也会变得异常的激烈。这个时候,实力比较弱的或者经营的不好的那部分酒店就会被淘汰掉,而实力比较强的或者经营的好的酒店就会留下来。当面对中国这个巨大的消费市场,活下来的酒店自然而然的就会扩大自己的规模。这包括集团的扩大和单个酒店的扩大。集团的扩大会表现为连锁企业或者兼并其他酒店。单个酒店的扩大表现为酒店建筑面积的扩大和服务范围的扩大,其中度假村就是一个很好的形式。酒店行业是一个持续发展的行业,如果你没有别人好,你最终就会失败。因此,为了获得持续的发展,每个酒店都不得不不断的提高自己的综合实力,以达到和同行竞争的目的。 First of all, I think, in general, the future of our country will reduce the number of the hotel, but the quality of the hotel will be more and more high. At the same time, the size of the hotel will be more and more big. Why do I say so? With the development of Chinese economy, the hotel industry competition becomes unusually fierce. This time, the strength is weak or business is not good that part of the hotel will be eliminated, and the strength of stronger or operation of a good hotel will stay. When faced with China#39;s large consumer market, the surviving hotels naturally will expand its scale. This includes group and individual hotel to expand. Group would show the chain or other hotel. A single expand show the hotel building area expansion and the expansion of service scope, the resort is a good form. The hotel industry is an industry of sustain


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