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华北电力大学本科毕业设计(论文) PAGE I 电力企业员工激励机制的研究 摘要 目前电力行业以市场化改革为方向,电力企业从生产型向生产经营型转换。在电力行业发生变革的时期,原有在垄断时期建立的企业激励机制明显滞后,已有的物质激励机制的作用日益弱化,无法有效激励电力企业员工的积极性,而非物质激励手段在市场经济条件下越来不能适应电力行业市场化经营的需要。在这种背景下,电力企业作为知识密集型、技术密集型企业,就必须十分重视企业的人力资源管理,重视企业员工积极性的发挥,实施以人为本的管理,充分运用各种方式,建立有效的激励机制,以充分发挥经营管理者和员工的人力资本的功效,提高组织和管理效率,才能在竞争日趋激烈的电力市场中谋求企业的竞争优势。 从目前电力企业的综合业绩水平看,其内部管理水平和经济效益远远落后于绝大多数行业,而其中一个重要原因是电力企业缺乏有效的激励,员工个人缺乏积极性。其表现到组织中就是没有团队效应,工作效率低下,容易互相扯皮,这导致了企业无法形成组织凝聚力,缺乏创新与变革,难以培育和提高市场适应能力和竞争能力。电力企业作为国有企业中一个较为特殊的行业,长期以来由于历史原因及行业特点,在计划经济条件下一直是实施垂直管理,处于高度垄断的地位,人们对这一行业的激励机制很少关注与研究。但是在市场化条件下,如何调动电力企业经营管理者与员工的积极性问题,己成为影响企业发展的症结之一。因此,研究电力企业的激励问题,探索建立电力企业有效的激励机制,显得更加重要和紧迫。 关键词:电力企业 员工 激励机制 The Research of Electric Power Enterprise Employee Incentive M Abstract There is a conversion of the power enterprise from the production type to the production and management type. In this time, the originally motivation which established in the planned economy time is in evidence lagged. The existing materiality mechanism is increasingly weakened, it cant effectively motivate positively of the employee, and that the immateriality mechanism cant fit the market economy .Under the background, the power enterprise which is a dense knowledge and technology types, so it must attach importance to the human resource management and motivation mechanism the positively of employees. It should use various techniques and set up effective motivation mechanism to exert human capital efficiency of employees. Improving the organizational and management efficiency, so that we can seek the competitive advantage in the increasingly fierce competition in the power market For the electric power enterprise integrated performance levels, the internal management level and economic benefits lag far behind most of other industries. However, one of the important reasons is electric power enterprises lack of effective incentive, and the employee lack of enthusiasm. It is real a team when it performance to the organization, and lower work e



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