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甲醇水分离塔设计 摘要 筛板塔是传质过程常用的塔设备,它的主要优点有: 结构比浮阀塔更简单,易于加工,造价约为泡罩塔的60%,为浮阀塔的80%左右。 处理能力大,比同塔径的泡罩塔可增加10~15%。 塔板效率高,比泡罩塔高15%左右。 压降较低,每板压力比泡罩塔约低30%左右。筛板塔: 塔板安装的水平度要求较高,否则气液接触不匀。 操作弹性较小(约2~3)。 小孔筛板容易堵塞壳体壁厚的等零部件的设计Abstract The sieve-plate column is commonly used in mass transfer tower equipment, its main advantages: ⑴ structural valve tower more than a simple, easy processing, and cost about 60% of bubble tower, tower float valve for about 80% . ⑵ processing capacity, than the diameter of the blister with tower 10 ~ 15% increase. ⑶ tray efficiency higher than that Blister tower about 15% higher. ⑷ lower pressure drop per plate bubble tower pressure than about 30%. Although the sieve-plate column are: ⑴ tray installation require a higher degree level, or gas-liquid contact with uneven. Operating flexibility ⑵ small (about 2 ~ 3). ⑶ small plate, such as easy to plug the shortcomings. But it is because of some of the advantages mentioned above, which in the chemical, petroleum, energy and other industries are still in the application of the application tray column dominance. The thesis of the nature of media, temperature and pressure, as well as the nominal diameter for the design of the natural environment and local conditions, concrete steps to include the shell, head of design and wall thickness more nuclear, based on the Central board, and other parts of the skirt design, combined with selected materials and the working environment to develop the corresponding welding technology and production, assembly and processing technology. Key words sieve-plate column; tray; downcomer 目录 甲醇水分离塔设计………………………………………………….I 摘要 I 关键词 I Abstract II 目录………………………………………………………………..III 第一章 概述……………………………………………………..1 1.1板式精馏塔的简介……………………………………………..1 1.2板式精馏技术及发展 4 第二章 塔结构设计……………………………………………...5 2.1塔设计内容 5 2.1.1设计参数………………………………………………………5 2.1.2塔结构简图……………………………………………………5 2.2主体材料强度指标 7 2.3筒体、封头壁厚确定 7 2.3.1筒体厚度计算 7 2.3.2封头厚度计算 7 2.4塔体上各项载荷计算 8 2.4.1塔质量 8 2.4.2风载荷和风弯矩计算 9 2.4.3地震力及地震弯矩计算 11 2.4.4最大


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