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海洋生物型肠内营养制剂氮源重金属含量研究 摘要:通过分析我国南方多个海区15个海洋生物样品的重金属含量,评价其作为海洋生物型肠内营养制剂氮源的安全性。试验结果表明,15个样品中有5个样品pb含量超标,6个样品as含量超标,所有样品hg含量均未超标。初步研究表明,我国南方海区黄鳍鲷、花鲈等样品在本次分析中均未出现重金属超标,满足作为海洋生物型肠内营养制剂氮源基料的重金属安全要求,而贝类作为氮源基料,必须根据国家标准的要求进行重金属的控制与脱除。 关键词:肠内营养制剂;海洋动物氮源;重金属;含量 study on the heavy metals content of marine animals act as the enteral nutrition nitrogen source wan penga,b,cai bing-naa,b,pan jian-yua,yang xiao-mana,b,dai wen-jina,b,chen huaa,b, chen de-kea,b,sun hui-lia,b (a.key laboratory of marine bio-resourses sustainable utilization/ south china sea institute of oceanology/ guangdong key laboratory of marine materia medica, guangzhou 510301, china; b.graduate university, chinese academy of sciences,beijing 100049, china) abstract: the heavy metals content of fifteen marine organisms from different south china sea area were investigated and the safety of using the marine organisms as enteral nutrition nitrogen source was evaluated. the results indicated that among the total fifteen samples, five samples were found exceeding the national standards in pb content and six samples were found exceeding the national standards in as content, but the hg content of all samples met the safety requirements of food and aquatic products. preliminary studies indicated that the content of heavy metals in acanthopagrus latus and lateolabrax japonicus did not exceed the standard from the south china sea area, they could be used as the high-quality nitrogen source of marine enteral nutrition. while shellfish as nitrogen source should be processed to control the heavy metals under the national standards. key words: enteral nutrition; marine animals; nitrogen source; heavy metals; content 肠内营养制剂是指用于临床肠内营养支持的各种产品的统称[1],其营养成分主要包括各种蛋白质、氨基酸、糖、脂肪、维生素、矿物质、膳食纤维等,其传统原材料来源主要为陆地动植物提取物[2]。近年来,禽流感、口蹄疫、疯牛病等禽畜类疫病频发,使陆源动物原料存在极大的安全隐患。陆源动物原料与海洋生物蛋白相比存在氨基酸含量不高、功能性成分有限等不足,不能满足作为肠内营养制剂氮源的要求[3]。同时,猪、牛等禽畜制品不符合一些宗教饮食的要求,应用将受到限制[4]。海产品是人类最优质的蛋白质来源之一,是作为海洋生物型肠内营养制剂理想的优质氮源,同时含有结构新颖、功能特异的活性物质,使临床营养制剂的功效得到了更


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