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六西格玛在高星级酒店的适用性研究 ——以喜达屋集团为例 摘要:六西格玛管理是一套系统的业务改进方法体系,它通过系统地、集成地采用质量改进流程,实现无缺陷的过程设计,并对现有过程进行定义、测量、分析、改进、控制。六西格玛在喜达屋集团实施所取得的成绩在饭店业掀起了一股热潮,实现了降低成本、提高工作效率、提高顾客满意度及饭店经济效益的目标。本文以六西格玛在高星级饭店的适用性为出发点,从六西格玛的内涵、在喜达屋实施的具体举措、存在的问题以及应用对策等四个方面,对我国高星级饭店应用六西格玛的状况进行了研究。着重研究喜达屋实行六西格玛的措施,汲取其实际应用中获得的知识和经验,分析其在高星级酒店的适用性。 关键词:六西格玛;高星级酒店;适用性;人才培养 The research on the application of Six Sigma in high-star hotel ——Take the example of Starwood housing group Student majoring in Tourism Management Lu Wen Tutor Huang Ying Abstract: Six sigma is a structured system for optimizing enterprise’s performance. By systematically and comprehensively applying quality improving process,a faultless process design was completed,and also it defined,measured,analyzed,improved and controlled the current one. The successful implementation of Six Sigma of the Starwood housing group achievements in the hotel industry started a craze to achieve lower costs, increase efficiency, and enhance customer satisfaction and objective in economic benefit. This article proceeds from analysis with research literature of application in the hotel and carries out summery on the development of application of Six Sigma in the Chinese hotel from the following four aspects: the meaning of the Six Sigma, the current situation of application in Starwood, the existing problems and how to apply Six Sigma in hotels. This paper focuses on implementation of Six Sigma of housing initiatives and draws upon its access to the practical application of knowledge and experience in the analysis of the applicability of high-star hotel. Key words: Six Sigma; hotel with high star; application of Six Sigma; personnel training 引言:服务质量是饭店生存的基石,关系到饭店的经济效益和竞争力。六西格玛作为一种流程改进的方法,注重从流程角度看待和改进绩效。选择“六西格玛在高星级酒店的适用性研究”为题,就是希望通过研究它的实际应用,可以深入分析六西格玛在高星级饭店应用的前景,同时对今后需要进一步重视的理论和实践问题进行把脉。[1] 西格玛在统计学中表示数据的分散程度,六西格玛就是6个标准差,赋予六西格玛管理法的意义为每一百万次机会中只能出现3.4个缺陷,即每百万个产品或提供的服务里面只有3.4次不合格。(如表1)[2] 表1 六西格玛水平评价标准 西格玛数 DPMO值 合格率(%) 1σ 691500 30.85 2σ 308537 6


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