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毕业设计(论文) 题 目中频逆变器主电路的 设计与仿真 专 业 自动化 班 级 学 生 指导教师 2013 中频逆变器主电路的设计与仿真 专业: 班级: 作者: 指导教师: 职称:教授 答辩日期:2013-6-23 摘 要 400Hz中频电源在各种军用和民用系统中有着广泛的应用,本设计主要对中频逆变器的主电路进行设计与仿真。逆变电源中的能量转换过程是:输入的工频交流电经过整流电路成为直流电,直流电通过逆变电路变为交流信号SPWM波,其基波频率是逆变电源的输出频率,该信号经输出变压器隔离,再由LC滤波器滤成正弦波。本次设计主要任务是通过对逆变电源工作原理的理解,学习逆变电路的设计基本原理,采用全桥逆变的方式,设计合理的中频逆变电路并通过Matlab仿真软件进行仿真研究,在设计好的中频逆变器主电路中加入功率因数校正电路,观察电路稳定性和对输出的影响。有源功率因数校正电路是在桥式整流器与输出电容滤波器之间加入一个功率变换电路,能够使功率因数提高到接近1,它工作于高频开关状态。 关键字:电力电子、单相整流、逆变电路、变压器、LC滤波、有源功率因数校正 Abstract 400Hz medium frequency power supply is widely used in military and civil systems.The design is mainly for frequency inverter main circuit design and simulation.In the Inverter, the energy conversion process are: the input frequency alternating current to direct current through the rectifier circuit, DC into AC signal through inverter circuit SPWM wave whose fundamental frequency is the inverter output frequency of the signal by the output transformer isolation, and then filtered by the LC filter into a sine wave.The main task is to design power inverter works through the understanding, learning principles of the inverter circuit design, using full-bridge inverter approach, designed by intermediate frequency inverter circuit simulation software Matlab simulation studies, in designed frequency inverter main circuit by adding power factor correction circuit,observing circuit stability and eff ect to the output.Active power factor correction circuit is between the bridge rectifier and output capacitor filter inserted a power conversion circuit, can increase the power factor close to 1, it works on high- freq uency switching state. Keywords:Power electronics,single-phase rectifier, inverter circuits, transformer, LC filter, active power factor correction 目 录 第1章 绪论 ………………………………………………………1 1.1课题背景及意义 ……………………………………………1 1.1.1逆变电源发展概况………………………………………1 1.1.2逆变电源的基本概念……………


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