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基于我国电子商务发展趋势研究   摘要: 随着经济全球化和信息技术与信息产业迅速发展,电子商务将成为今后信息交流的热点,成为各国争先发展,各个产业部门最为关注的领域。通过互联网和电商行业十多年的共同努力,我们看到的是电子商务的日渐成熟与发展态势。我们只有具备战略性和前瞻性的眼光,适应全球经济一体化的趋势,努力发展适合我国国情的电子商务,才能立于不败之地。本文探讨了我国电子商务发展趋势的四个方面,引入数字流量与现实相结合,提高转化率,提高网站优质服务;网络诚信建立促进电子商务快速发展、物流配送完善,保障电子商务发展;移动商务发展带动电子商务发展。随着电子商务这些趋势建立完善,我们相信未来电子商务市场将逐渐走向稳健和成熟。   Abstract: With the rapid developments of economic globalization, information technology and information industries, e-commerce will become a hot exchange of information, and also will be a field which countries competed to develop and various industrial sectors of most concern. Through the Internet and electronic business industry 10 years of joint efforts, we can see the maturing of e-commerce and development trend. In order to be invincible, we not only need to have a strategic and forward-looking vision, adapt to global economic integration, but also should try our best to develop e-commerce that will suitable for Chinas national conditions. This paper discusses the four aspects of the development trend of Chinas e-commerce, introducts the digital flow and combines with the reality, improves the rates of conversion, aroses the services of website; the establishment of network integrity promotes the rapid development of e-commerce and the   perfet improvement of logistics and distribution, also, protects e-commerce development; Mobile Commerce improvement drives the development of e-commerce. With these trends of e-commerce to be comprehensive established, we believe that e-commerce market will gradually move toward stability and maturity in the future.   关键词: 趋势;数据;物流;诚信;移动商务   Key words: trend;data;logistics;integrity;mobile commerce   中图分类号:F713.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2012)31-0176-03   0 引言   随着中国电子商???市场交易额规模持续快速的增长,预计未来3到5年内电子商务市场的这种增长态势仍将维持。近两年来政府对电子商务的重视程度日益加大,相继出台多个支持鼓励政策,会对电子商务市场未来的发展起到极大的助推作用。同时,随着电子商务配套服务体系如物流、支付、客服等的建立完善,我们相信未来电子商务市场将逐渐走向稳健和成熟。   现如今,通过互联网和电商行业十多年的共同努力,我们看到的是电子商务的日渐成熟与发展态势。   1 数据与现实结合   电子商务不断产生数据,每天都是几十个G数据,不断增加。目前互联网数据


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