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基于嵌入式winCE开发的贪吃蛇游戏 摘要 进年来计算机技术在中国取得了突飞猛进的发展,嵌入式领域也随之发展起来。然而,嵌入式在中国仍然处于初级阶段,相对美国等发达国家,嵌入式领域的很多关键技术都是我们都是从国外引进学习的,我们并没有从根本上解决技术难点,也没有这方面取得的突破性进展,和国外的发达国家还有一定的差距。 本文基于此,尝试设计了基于嵌入式winCE开发的一款贪吃蛇游戏,主要目的是通过开发嵌入式贪吃蛇游戏,掌握嵌入式开发的整个过程,同时介绍基于winCE嵌入式开发的详细设计步骤,向初学者介绍开发基于winCE方面嵌入式程序的整个框架流程。本论文软件方面采用的是EVC++4.0开发平台设计程序,PB5.0进行系统定制,硬件方面采用的是PXA270-S实验开发箱。整个设计流程将在本论文主体部分进行详细的叙述。从定制自己所需的winCE系统、运用MFC基于对话框的C++语言编写贪吃蛇游戏源代码到最终下载程序到实验开发板的整个过程都做了很详细的介绍。 关键词:winCE5.0、EVC++4.0、PB5.0 、嵌入式系统、贪吃蛇游戏、内核定制 Development based on embedded winCE Snake game Abstract Into the years of computer technology in China has made rapid development, also will develop embedded field.?However, embedded in China?Still in its infancy, relative to the U.S. and other developed countries, many of the key technologies embedded world is we are all learning from abroad?, And we do not fundamentally solve the technical difficulties, there is no breakthrough made in this regard, there is a developed country and abroad?Given gap.? ???? Based on this, try to design embedded winCE based on the development of a Snake game, the main purpose is to develop embedded corruption?Eat snake game, master the entire embedded development process, also introduced an embedded development process based on winCE to introduce beginners to the development?winCE regard the overall framework of the process embedded program.?Software used in this paper is to EVC + +4.0 development platform design process, PB5.0?For system customization, hardware PXA270-S is used in experimental development box.?The design process will detail the main part of this thesis?Narrative.? Key words:winCE5.0, EVC++4.0, PB5.0,? embedded systems,?Snakegame 目录 目录 3 1.绪论 5 1.1引言 5 1.2国内外现状分析 5 1.3本文的主要内容与论文结构 7 1.3.1论文的主要工作内容 7 1.3.2论文章节结构 7 2.系统软硬件平台概述 8 2.1 PXA270-S270处理器介绍 8 2.2 WindowsCE.NET操作系统概述 9 2.2.1什么是WindowsCE.NE 9 2.2.2 Windows CE.NET的功能特点 9 2.3 WindowsCE.NET的相关开发工具 10 2.3.1 PlatformBuilders5.0介绍 10 2.3.2 EmbeddedVisual C++ 4.0介绍 11 3.系统概要设计 11 3.1系统的整体结构 11 3


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