基于单片机的多费率电表计 毕业论文.doc

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基于单片机的多费率电表计 毕业论文

毕 业 论 文 题 目:基于单片机的多费率电表设计 Title:More rate electric meter design 二 零 一二 年 六 月 摘要 本文以智能计量总表为研究对象,采用计量芯片ADE7758和AT89C52设计三相电能表,介绍了计量电路原理、系统结构特点以及分段计量的软件设计与实现。针对10—35kV输配电网正常负荷和超低负荷两种情况下的精确计量,提出按功率额度实时分段计量的电能表设计方案;为了调整电力负荷曲线,针对用电量的时间不均衡问题,提出复费率分时段计量方案。 ADE7758电流采样通过电流互感器实现,电压采样通过分压电阻网络实现。采样信号经信号放大器PGAI、PGAZ和数模转换ADC后转换为数字信号。ADE7758对数字信号进行处理转换为瞬时功率信号。瞬时功率信号通过低通滤波器LPFZ后分离出平均功率,平均功率在能量寄存器中不断累加。累加的能量经数频转换DFC后转换为脉冲输出。AT89552通过对脉冲计数实现能量的计量 本论文研究了基于高精度电能芯片ADE7758和三相多功能工业电能表,主要内容如下: (1)论述了本课题的意义和电能表的发展过程,并讨论了电能表的发展趋势。 (2)分析了三相多功能工业电能表的电能计量原理。 (3)研究开发了电子式硬件电路总体设计方案,设计出实现电能表功能所需要的电能计量部分和控制部分。本方案主要使用各种相关芯片来实现对应各部分的功能,具有功能强大、结构简单、可靠性高的优点。 (4)提出了软件的总体设计方案 关键词:精确计量,ADE7758,AT89C52 ABSTRACT In smart metering, metering chip ADE7758 and the AT89C52 design three-phase energy meter, introduced the measurement circuit theory, system structural characteristics, as well as the segment measured in software design and implementation. Normal load of 10-35kV transmission and distribution network and ultra-low load in both cases, accurate measurement, the measured amount of power real-time segmentation energy meter design; in order to adjust the power load curve for electricity is not balanced, The proposed multi-rate sub-period measurement program. The ADE7758 Current sampling to achieve through the current transformer, the voltage sampled by the voltage divider network. Sampling the signal by the signal amplifier PGAI, PGAZ digital to analog converter ADC converted to digital signal. ADE7758 digital signal processing to be converted to the instantaneous power signal. Instantaneous power signal through a low pass filter LPFZ isolate the average power, average power in the energy registers continue to accumulate. Cumulative energy is converted to the number of frequency conversion DFC pulse output. AT89552 through the pulse count measurement of energy. This thesis discusses the significance of this topic and the development process of the energy meter based on the high-precision power chip A


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