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山西天地王坡煤矿矿井通风设计 摘要: 关键词:通风设计 通风系统 通风阻力 Abstract :The mine ventilation system direct mainly at the mine of Tiandi Wangpo which located at Shanxi province.The mine which has natural advantages that own the simple geological structure .The mine of Wangpo belongs to the highly gassy mine whose coal seam has no tendency explosion . The problem of the highly gassy can be solved by drawing out methane and ventilation. The mean draft type of the ventilation planning is exhaust ventilation which can exhaust the dust and gas produced in the process of production effectually and provide an excellently working atmosphere for the work face .The productivity effect is increased by import the method of comprehensive mechanized coal mining which to satisfy the production target of 1.5million ton every year . The pitch of the coal seam is 2皛12?It seems the development mode of single level for slope mine is more reasonable. The wind press of the difficult time is 2873.81pa and the easy time is 1705.07pa .But in the mine aerator ,I select and put to use the fan whose model number is FBCDNo.32 which can offer the needed input air at the difficult time and easy time .It can provide the perfect safeguard for the mine ventilation and safety. Keywords:ventilation design Ventilation system Air resistance 1 引言 2 2 井田自然概况及地质特征 2 2.1井田自然概况 2 2.1.1 井田位置及交通 2 2.1.2 地形地势及河流 2 2.1.3 气候及气象 2 2.1.4 地震基本烈度 2 2.2地质特征 2 2.2.1 矿区范围内的地层情况 2 2.2.2 井田范围内和附近的主要地质构造 2 2.2.3 煤层赋存状况及可采煤层特征 2 2.2.4 煤质特征 2 2.2.5 井田内水文地质情况 2 2.2.6 开采煤层顶底板岩石工程地质特征 2 2.2.7 瓦斯、煤尘、煤层自燃倾向性、地温及地压 2 2.2.8 其他有益矿产 2 3 矿井井田境界、储量和服务年限 2 3.1井田境界 2 3.1.1 井田周边状况 2 3.1.2 井田境界确定的依据 2 3.1.3 井田未来发展情况 2 3.2井田储量 2 3.2.1 井田储量的计算 2 3.2.2 储量计算方法 2 3.3矿井工作制度、生产能力、服务年限 2 3.3.1 矿井工作制度 2 3.3.2 矿井生产能力的确定 2 2.3.3 矿井服务年限的确定 2 4 井田开拓及盘区设计 2 4.1矿井开拓方案的确定 2 4.1.1 井筒形式和数目 2 4.1.2 井筒的位置及坐标 2 4.1.3水平数目及高度 2 4.1.4 主要巷道布置情况 2 4.1.5 盘区划分 2 4.2开采顺序 2 4.2.1沿井田倾向的开采顺序 2 4.3盘区布置及主要参数 2 4.3.1 设计盘区的位置、边界、范围和盘区煤柱 2 4.3.2 盘区的地质和煤层情况 2 4.3.3 首采采煤工作面长度的确定 2 4.3.4 盘



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