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摘要 塑料工业近20年来发展十分迅速,早在10年前塑料的年产量按体积计算已经超过钢铁和有色金属年产量的总和,塑料制品在汽车、机电、仪表、航天航空等国家支柱产业及与人民日常生活相关的各个领域中得到了广泛的应用。塑料制品成形的方法虽然很多,但最主要的方法是注塑成形,世界塑料成形模具产量中约半数以上是注塑模具。 注塑模具是生产品对模具的要求越来越高,传统的塑胶模具设计方法已无法适应产品更新换代和提产各种工业产品的重要工艺装备,随着塑胶模具设计工业的迅速发展以及塑胶制品在航空、航太、电子、机械、船舶和汽车等工业部门的推广应用高质量的要求。电脑辅助工程(CAE)技术已成为塑胶产品开发、模具设计及产品加工中这些薄弱环节的最有效的途经。 关键词: 注塑模具;设计;电脑辅助工程 ABSTRACT Plastic industry nearly 20 years developing very rapidly, and as early as ten years ago plastic the annual output of the factory is calculated according to have more than steel and non-ferrous metal annual output of the total, and plastic products in car, machinery and electronic products, instruments, aerospace and other countries pillar industry and Peoples Daily life and related fields of a wide range of applications. Plastic products forming method although many, but the main method is injection forming, plastic forming mold production in the world about half above is injection mold.   Injection mold is raw product to request molding tool more and more high, the traditional plastic mold design methods can not adapt to the products renewal and carry the importance of the product all kinds of industrial production technology and equipment, plastic mold design with rapid development of industry and plastic products in aviation, aerospace, electronics, machinery, ships and cars and industry departments the popularization and application of the high quality requirements. Computer aided engineering (CAE) technology has become a plastic product development, mould design and product processing in the weak link of the most effective approach Key words: injection mold; design;Computer aided engineering 目录 1绪论 1 1.1 模具行业发展的现状 1 1.2 塑料制品和注射成形在模具业的重要地位 1 2 成型工艺 4 2.1塑料材料分析 4 2.2塑件的工艺分析 4 2.3塑件的结构设计 5 2.4塑件尺寸及精度 6 2.5塑件表面粗糙度 6 2.6注射成型工艺方案及模具结构的分析和确定 6 2.6.1注射成型工艺过程分析 6 2.6.2浇口种类的确定 7 2.6.3浇口位置的选择 8 3 结构设计 9 3.1分型面的设计 9 3.2型腔的布局 9 3.3浇注系统的设计 10 3.3.1浇注系统组成 10 3.3.2确定浇注系统的原则 10 3.3.3主流道的设计 11


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