中英对照 40-QSC137-万能拉力试验作业指导书.doc

中英对照 40-QSC137-万能拉力试验作业指导书.doc

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中英对照 40-QSC137-万能拉力试验作业指导书

目的 PURPOSE 辅助热处理工艺的制定。 Aid the operation of heat treatment process. 确保产品的拉力、保载以及其他性能合格。 Ensure the qualified mechanical standards such as pull strenth, proof loading, etc, in products. 制样过程 SAMPLING PROCESS 需要用到万能试验机进行试验的产品,由各车间检验员填写送样单和样品袋,并送到测试中心。 Inspectors from each responsible plant in need of the Universal Testing Maching to test the products, please fill in the Sample List and Sample Bag before subject them to the Testing Center. 测试员接到送样单后,根据送样单上的信息对样品进行编号归类并输入电脑进行保存,方便以后查询。 Test operator who has received the Sample List should type in the sample’s category and Serial No., then safe the information on computer for effective research later. 测试员填写好送样信息,到现场进行取样,根据测量项目来确定样品数量。 Test operator is allowed to take samples from the spot and judge the testing quantity by its scale after filling in the sample’s information. 螺栓类产品,需要测试综合性能的,把样品送机加工进行加工,美标产品直径小于1-1/2英寸的就从产品的中心进行取样,大于1-1/2英寸的从半径的1/2处取样,加工直径为12.50mm,标距为直径的4倍。国标要求从贴近表面位置进行取样,加工直径为10mm,标距为直径的5倍。由于部分样品较小,直径和标距可相对缩小,但必须满足标距和直径之间的倍数关系。 Screw bolt samples in need of general test should be sent to the Mechanical Pocessing for machining. For ANSI products, sample in the center if diam is less than 1.1/2” and sample in the midle of diam if the diam is over 1.1/2” 部分只要求测契负载的螺栓和螺母,可以直接对样品进行试验。 Direct sample testing is allowed if the nuts or bolts merely need proof loading test. 操作过程 OPERATION 打开电脑,运行拉力机试验软件 。 Turn on the computer to acivate the Tensile Testing Software. 打开拉力机控制器。 Turn on the cotroller of the Tensile Machine. 按顺序打开主控制箱上的电源、油泵、电磁阀。 Turn on the power supply, oil pump and e-maganetic valves in sequence. 打开送油阀,使试验机平台上升一定部分后,关闭送油阀。 Turn on the control valve untill the platform of the testing machine has been raised up appropriately. 把电脑界面切换到分析页面,运行新建文档,根据测量产品要求把送样单上的信息输入进去,确定即可。 Shift the computer into the analysive page, open a new document and type in the information from the Sample List based on testing requirements. 螺母类产品 NUTS PRODUCTS 选择好配套垫片套在相同规格的芯棒上旋入螺母,然后把装配好的样品放到试验机上,通过调节下模上的控制上升和下降按钮使两垫片之间


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