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河南农业大学华豫学院专科毕业论文PAGE PAGE 1?摘 要倾销是指一国生产者或者出口商以低于正常的价值或公平价值的价格,向另一国大量出口某种产品,对进口国同类产品产业造成严重损害或有严重损害威胁的一种不正当的竞争行为。反倾销是进口国政府为保护本国产业采取征收反倾销税等措施的一种行政措施,它也可以被滥用成为政府执行贸易保护主义政策的工具。从而形成一种国际自由贸易壁垒。在今天的国际贸易竞争中,反倾销这个法律武器已被许多国家用于策略性的抵制进口。农产品贸易是我国对外贸易的重要组成部分,农产品对我国经济发展和社会稳定具有十分重要的战略意义,因而是国际市场的敏感产品,但是近年来我国的农产品出口频繁遭到反倾销限制和投诉,已使中国成为世界上贸易救济措施的最大受害国,严重影响我国的进出口贸易。近年来,由农产品引起的贸易摩擦时有发生,反倾销是近年来农产品领域发生较多的贸易摩擦之一。随着我国经济不断融入全球化发展潮流中,针对我国农产品的反倾销案不断增加,这一定程度上制约了我国农产品出口的扩大和贸易的顺利发展,成为我国农产品出口面临的新课题。本文试从我国农产品遭遇的反倾销现状出发,分析其产生的特点、原因,并提出相应的策略。提出要充分利用WTO规则中的《反倾销协议》争取自身权益,加速市场化进程,优化农产品出口产品结构,鼓励企业积极应诉,充分发挥公平贸易局的作用,为中国的农产品出口营造一个更好的国际市场环境。关键词:农产品;反倾销;对策Abstract Dumping refers to the producers or exporters of a country to lower the value or fair value price, a large number of export to another country of a product, similar products imported industrial countries caused serious damage or threat of serious damage to a non- legitimate competitive behavior. Anti-dumping import by the Government to protect their own industries to take measures such as anti-dumping duties of an administrative measure, it can be abused as the Government to implement trade protectionism policy tool. To form an international free trade barriers. In todays international trade competition, anti-dumping legal weapon that has been resisted by many countries for strategic imports. Agricultural trade is an important component of Chinas foreign trade, agricultural products, Chinas economic development and social stability is of great strategic significance, and therefore sensitive products in international markets, but Chinas agricultural exports in recent years have been frequent anti-dumping restrictions and complaints have making China the worlds biggest victim of trade remedy measures, serious impact on Chinas import and export trade. In recent years, caused by the agricultural trade frictions have occurred, anti-dumping in recent years occurred in the field of agricultural products is one more trade friction. As Chinas econom


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