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Chapter 26 The Tree of Life An Introduction to Biological Diversity 生命之樹 生物多樣性的介紹 Key Terms-1 colony 聚落(同種生物聚集在一起;由同一來源的個體生長而來,並聚集在一起) genetic annealing 指兩種以上的遺傳物質混合在一個物種上(see glossary) geologic record 地質紀錄 half-life 半衰期 (指放射性物質的活性減半所需時間) pangaea 地球本一州 protobiont 仿生物質(一種有機巨分子的聚集而成的無生命產物,卻具有部份生命的特徵 ) Key Terms-2 radiometric dating 輻射劑量的計日 ribozyme 核醣酵素(RNA 分子本身具有酵素功能,稱之) serial endosymbiosis 連續的(細胞)內共生 snowball Earth hypothesis 雪球地球假說 stromatolite 疊層石化石(由製氧菌遺骸所組成的相疊岩石 ) three-domain system 三種超界(super-kingdom)系統 Lecture Outline-1: The Origin of Life ?1.Describe the four stages of the hypothesis for the origin of life on Earth by chemical evolution. ?2.Describe the contributions that A. I. Oparin, J.B.S. Haldane, and Stanley Miller made toward developing a model for the abiotic synthesis of organic molecules. ?3.Describe the evidence that suggests that RNA was the first genetic material. Explain the significance of the discovery of ribozymes. ?4.Describe how natural selection may have favored the proliferation of stable protobionts with self-replicating, catalytic RNA. Lecture Outline-2: Introduction to the History of Life ?5. Explain how the histories of Earth and life are inseparable. ?6. Explain how index fossils can be used to determine the relative age of fossil-bearing rock strata. ?7. Describe the major events in Earth’s history from its origin until 2 billion years ago. Describe when Earth first formed, when life first evolved, and what forms of life existed in each eon. ?8. Describe the mass extinctions of the Permian and Cretaceous periods. Discuss a hypothesis that accounts for each of these mass extinctions. Lecture Outline -3: The Major Lineages of Life 9.Describe how chemiosmotic ATP production may have arisen. 10.Describe the timing and significance of the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis. 11.Explain the endosymbiotic theory for the evolution of the eukaryotic cell. Describe the evidence that supports this theory. 12.Explain how genetic



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