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基于 摘 要 传统意义的基于交通灯控制问题上,人们经常使用各种仪表人为对交通通行进行警示。传统的交通显示操作成本低廉、简便,但是我们可以非常清楚的知道传统意义上的检测受人为因素非常大,可靠性较低,并且需要交通管理人员花费时间精力去时刻关注交通量的变化,有时候还可能受到天气等环境以及人为情绪等问题的影响。显然,基于交通指示的重要性和高质量、高效率的控制交通灯,那么,传统的交通灯控制就不能再满足现如今大流量交通的管理要求了。本系统设计的是基于单片机的交通灯的控制系统,选用8位单片机AT89C51作为主控芯片。本交通灯控制系统的设计主要采用分解思想,将整个系统分解开,形成几个集成模块。其中,本交通灯控制系统系统主要包括电源单元、交通灯单元、单片机主控单元以及数码管显示单元等等。在检测过程中无需人为的操作,就能实现自动对交通灯定时显示的控制,大大的提高了交通通行的安全性,并具有扩展性好、实用性强、便于操作等特点。 关键词 AT89C51;交通灯;数码管;集成模块;控制 Based On 51 Series MCU Automatic Control System of traffic lights Abstract Traditional based on traffic lights control problem, people often use various kinds of instrument for warning on the traffic.Traditional traffic show that low cost, simple operation, but we can know clearly that the traditional detection by human factors is very large, the reliability is low, and needs to traffic managers spend time and energy to focus on the change of traffic, sometimes may be the weather and so on environment and human emotions.Obviously, based on the importance of traffic signals and high quality, high efficiency control of traffic lights, so the traditional traffic light control cant satisfy nowadays requirement for the flow of traffic management.The system design is based on single chip microcomputer of traffic light control system, chooses 8-bit microcontroller AT89C51 as the main control chip.This thought, the design of traffic light control system mainly adopts decomposition will break down the whole system, forming several integration module.Among them, the traffic lights control system mainly includes the power supply unit, unit, MCU control unit and the digital tube display unit, and so on.Without artificial operation in the process of detection, can achieve automatic control of the traffic light timing shows, greatly improve the traffic safety, and has good expansibility, strong practicability, easy operation, etc. Key words AT89C51; traffic lights; ?led display; integration module assembly;control 目 录 第1章 绪 论 1 1.1 选题的目的和意义


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