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Mr.Brown(客人) Mr.ZhangDawei(主) Huangmei(主秘书) Mr.ZhangDawei :Mr.Brown ,we have booked a crown suites and made an reservation in Western Restaurant for you in Guomao hotel . (布朗先生,我们在国贸酒店已为你预订了皇冠国贸套间,并在酒店西餐厅为您预订了就餐位置) Mr.Brown :Oh,thank you.Its very kind and thoughtful of you to do this. (哦,谢谢!你们太好了,考虑的这么周到。)Huang mei: Youre welcome,Mr.Brown.We learned that you were the first time to come to ZhangJiagang, so we take the liberty of the travel arrangements for you.We hope you will like this excursion. (你太客气了,布朗先生。我们获悉你是第一次来张家港,所以我们冒昧为你安排了旅游行程。希望你会喜欢这个短途旅程。) Mr.Brown: Thank you for your arrangements for me. Im planning to take this opportunity to do some sightseeing in zhangjiagang. (非常感谢你们为我所做的安排.我正想借这次机会在张家港好好观光浏览一番) Mr.ZhangDawei: We will first tour Dongdu estates in Luyuan after breakfast. (早餐过后我们先去游览鹿苑的东渡苑。) Mr.brown: Why is it called Dongdu estates? Have historical origin? (为何叫做东渡苑?有历史由来?) Huangmei:Yes, youre right. That is the sailing place that Jianzhen 【the master of Tang Dynasty】 was the sixth to Japan successfully. In order to commemorate him, later generations built Dongdu estates in there. (是的,你说的没错。那个地方是唐代鉴真大师第六次东渡日本成功的启航处。为了纪念鉴真大师,后人在那修建了东渡苑.) Mr.Brown: So thats it!Hearing what you said, I cant wait to go to visit that place. (原来是这样啊!听你这么一说,我真想马上去参观一下那个地方。) Mr.ZhangDawei: Mr.Brown, we have heard that you like to climb mountains. So the next place is Fenghuang. Do you know what the place abounds with? (布朗先生,听说你喜欢爬山,所以接下来去的地方是凤凰。你知道当地盛产什么吗?) Mr.Brown:I know this. The peach in local area is really quite famous. The peach is excellent, delicate flesh, skin tough easy to peel, juicy Gan thick, turn back fruity fragrance. (这我知道,当地的水蜜桃真的是颇有盛名。 绝佳,果肉细腻,皮韧易剥,汁多甘厚,果味馥郁) Huangmei: Perhaps you can take this opportunity to take some to the family。 (或许你可以乘此机会带一些给家人) Mr.ZhangDawei: After go climbing, well take a break .How about going to a spa and having lunch in local Hot spring resort? (爬完山后,去当地的温泉度假村,泡温泉休息一下顺便吃午餐怎么样?) Mr.Brown: Thats great! By the way , where is


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