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中 国 船 级 社 CHINA CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY 重 大 改 建 入 级 船 舶 检 验 申 请 Application of Classification and Statutory Surveys for Major Conversion 兹申请中国船级社执行下述之一的重大改建入级检验。 We hereby apply China Classification Society to carry out the following classification and Statutory surveys to major conversion of the vessel. CCS级船舶由A改建为B的重大改建入级检验及船旗国政府规定的法定初次/换新*检验 Classification surveys of major conversion for the ship with CCS class from A to the B, and statutory initial/renewal* surveys required by the Government of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly 船舶的重新入级/恢复*CCS船级和由下述A改建为B的重大改建入级检验及船旗国政府规定的法定初次/换新*检验 Reclassification/Reinstatement* of CCS class for the ship, and subsequently classification surveys of major conversion from the A to the B, and statutory initial/renewal surveys required by the Government of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly 船舶初次入级检验和由A改建为B的重大改建入级检验及船旗国政府规定的法定初次/换新*检验 Initial classification surveys for the ship and subsequently classification surveys of major conversion from the A to B, and statutory initial/renewal* surveys required by the Government of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly 船舶转级(TOCA)检验和由A改建为B重大改建的入级检验及船旗国政府规定的法定初次/换新*检验 Transfer class surveys (TOCA) for the ship, and subsequently classification surveys of major conversion from the A to B, and statutory initial/renewal* surveys required by the Government of the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly 船舶的重大改建方案介绍: Details of Major Conversion: 船舶参数: Ship’s particular: A.现有船舶 Existing ship B.改建后船舶 The ship after Conversion 船名/ 船厂编号 Ship’s name / Yard No. 船旗国 Flag 船舶种类 Type of ship 船藉港 Port of registry 船(两柱间)长 Length (B.P.) 船(型)宽 Breadth (Mid) 船(型)深 Depth (Mid) 建造完工日期 Date of built 船级 Class 航区 Service areas 总吨位(69)/(近似) Gross tonnage (69) / (Approx.) 载重吨 /(近似) Deadweight / (Approx.) 船舶所有人/管理人 Ship’s owner/ Operator 造船厂/改建方 Builder / The comp


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