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技术图纸及源代码需要联系qq摘要 当前国际间的竞争主要是生产力的竞争,如果要想在未来激烈的竞争中生存下去,就必须不断的加快生产力的发展,归根结底是要不断地提高生产率,而多轴钻床正是以单轴钻床为基础发展起来的以针对性的加工特定零件为目的专用机床。 而在本次设计的题目正是针对汽车轮辐的扩孔加工而设计的多轴钻床。在汽车轮辐的加工中,多轴钻床的应用大大加快了扩孔的效率,本次设计为10轴钻床,相对单钻头钻床来说也就是把原来的效率整整提高了7倍。 在以下的内容里面将会对多轴钻床的部件设计加以简单的介绍,并详细的设计主轴箱,也就是针对加工对象——汽车轮辐的具体情况进行专门的设计;其中涵盖了箱体,动力部件,变速部件和传动元件的设计与计算过程。 关键词:多轴钻床 主轴箱 轴 齿轮 轴承 键 Abstract The competition of the current international is mainly the competition of the productivity, If want to existence under in the vehemence competition in the future, must continuously to develop the productivity. In the final analysis, is to develop the productivity constantly. And that multi-spindle drilling machine was developed with the base of the single-spindle drilling machines to machining the special part. The subject of this design is to enlarge the bore of the spoke of the car. In the machining of enlarge the bore of the spoke of the car, the application of multi-spindle drilling machine make a greatly expedite with the efficiency of enlarging the bore. This design is a drill bed for 10 stalks, and it′s efficiency is 7 times to the single-spindle drilling machines. In the follow content will take into the simple introduction to the total design that many stalks drill the bed in the contents of the following, and the detailed design principal axis box, Is also a concrete circumstance that aims at to process a wheel of object- automobile to carry on the specialized design; Among them covered a body, the motive parts, become soon parts and spread the design and the calculation process of move the component. Key word: Many stalks drill the bed Principal axis box Spindle Wheel gear Bearings Key 目录 摘要 1 Abstract 2 1 概论 3 2 多轴钻床的总体设计 6 2.1 概述 6 2.2 影响机床总体布局的基本因素 7 2.2.1工艺方法对总体布局的影响 7 2.2.2运动分配对总体布局的影响 8 2.2.3机床性能对总体布局的影响 9 2.2.4机床自动化对总体布局的影响 10 2.2.5生产规模和生产效率对总体布局的影响 11 2.2.6操作调整对总体布局的影响 11 2.3 工艺方案的制定 12 2.3.1影响机床工艺方案制定的主要因素 12


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