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基于无线传输的智能巡航小车的设计摘要随着科学技术的发展,现代智能技术的发展正逐步呈现出自动化和集成化的特点。最初的研究是基于远程控制系统为基础,利用远程控制系统实现远距离自动控制,遥控车作为智能远程控制系统研究的重要组成部分,其运行状态可以人为的自主控制,遥控车可在危险的环境中替代人体进行探测等工作,不但可以减少人员的伤亡,而且也能够准确的完成任务。在当今智能化飞速发展的时代,具有十分重要的研究意义。笔者在本文中提到的这个设计,是在以蓝牙遥控基础上进行的一种多功能智能小车。笔者在本文中,主要针对如何以通过对主控制机来对多功能小车进行远程控制为内容,研究出了一类能够在无线蓝牙控制基础上工作的智能小车。本论文设计分为5个部分:绪论部分介绍智能机器人的发展以及在生活中的应用,智能巡航小车的功能、核心构造。介绍智能巡航小车的设计使用的主要原理和研究方法。在硬件方面,主要对单片机控制模块方面进行了研究、驱动电路、红外对管寻迹模块、无线传输模块以及检测与报警模块等设计。并介绍了整体方案设计以及主控、电源、寻迹、无线传输、电机驱动、检测与报警这六大模块的电路设计。软件设计部分介绍了模糊控制算法的发展和原理,两种调试软件Keil Vision4、STC_ISP_V483,以及主程序框图和部分源程序。最后详细介绍了调试过程,以及整体程序的呈现。关键词:智能小车;单片机;无线蓝牙传输;模糊控制算法;AbstractWith the development of science and technology, the development of modern intelligent technology is gradually showing the characteristics of automation and integration. The first study is a remote control system based on the realization of automatic remote control, remote control system, remote control car as an important part of intelligent remote control system, its running state can independently control artificial, remote control car can be in a dangerous environment and replacement of human detection work, not only can reduce casualties. But also can accurately complete the task. In todays era of rapid development of intelligence, has very important research significance. In order to realize the remote control of the intelligent car by the main control machine, this paper designs a kind of intelligent car based on Wireless Bluetooth control mode. The wireless remote control robot car can play a special role in the operation of hazardous environment, personnel collection and so on. The choice of multi-functional intelligent car as the object the design of BluetoothThis paper remote control based on. This paper is divided into 5 parts: the introduction part introduces the development of intelligent robot and its application in life. This paper introduces the principle and method of the design and application of the intelligent cruise car. The hardware design part intr


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