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基于摘要关键词:谐振频率;esonator Abstract: With the rapid development of science and technology, microwave technology plays a very important role. For the whole technology of microwave forming, planar microstrip resonators have attracted much attention because of their high quality factor and high performance. Modern communication technology is developing towards high integration, because microstrip resonators can be integrated and have a very large market prospect. This paper focuses on the characteristics of microstrip line theory and microstrip line parameters, and then study the planar microstrip line resonator equation, and the quality factor, the planar microstrip line resonator resonant frequency and attenuation constant inquiry and analysis. At the same time, the characteristics of rectangular microstrip resonators, ring microstrip resonators, microstrip microstrip resonators and triangular microstrip resonators are discussed. The resonant frequency, quality factor and attenuation constant of rectangular microstrip resonators and ring microstrip resonators are studied by simulation. According to the simulation results, the quality factors are all in an order of magnitude, and the quality factor is mainly related to the attenuation constant and resonance frequency. If the wavelength is small, the resonant frequency is larger and the quality factor is larger. Key words: planar microstrip line; resonantor; resonant frequency; quality factor; attenuation constant; 目 录 1引言 1 1.1微波的特性 1 1.2微波谐振器的介绍 2 2平面微带线的基本特征 2 2.1平面微带线简介 2 2.2平面微带线的特性 4 3平面微带谐振器的基本特性 6 3.1矩形微带线谐振器 6 3.2圆环微带线谐振器 8 3.3圆盘微带线谐振器 9 3.4三角形微带线谐振器 10 4平面微带线谐振器的仿真 11 4.1矩形微带线谐振器仿真 11 4.2圆环微带线谐振器仿真 22 5结束语 28 参考文献 30 致 谢 31 1引言 1.1微波的特性 二十一世纪以来,通讯技术获得了快速进步和应用,微波技术,。 我国的微波能技术在工业上 对于整个无线电波而言,微波波长最短。低频电波,微波有: 高频特性 微波振荡频率,3亿次频率数量级,低频段微波波段。 微波波长宏观(),反射,, (3)散射特性 电波,反射散射,散射体,散射入射波散射体,散射波散射体域、域、等体散射,目标,微波遥感。 穿透 由于微波存在高频震荡,同时还可以射穿高空电离层卫星。,天线视距,中继站 图1微带线的演变 平面微带线规格空间较小,而且非常轻,便于生产制造,同时还能够和固态器件相接通,因为微波集


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