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基于VFW技术的视频采集程序设计 摘 要 本文针对厂家在生产活动中对视频采集的需要,设计了一个摄像头的视频采集程序。设计采用了VFW技术来实现视频采集, VFW是Microsoft公司开发的关于数字视频的一个软件包,通过VFW技术能把模拟视频转化为数字信号并进行播放。 该视频采集程序设计的特点有:利用Visual C++作为开发平台,Visual C++软件平台可以对VFW技术完美支持且可以实现可视化编程,使设计结果便于观察和参数便于更改等;通过枚举方式将所有可用的视频采集硬件设备以列表形式显示出来供用户进行选择,并根据不同视频采集硬件设备的驱动能力对视频进行相应的设置以达到较好的采集效果。 经过实验证明,该基于VFW技术的视频采集程序设计方案是切实可行的。该程序不仅可以实现同视频采集设备进行良好的连接、获取其驱动的性能,还实现了对视频的采集、设置以及保存等功能且性能稳定。 关键词:VFW,视频采集,实时预览,图像采集 Design of Video Capture Program Based on VFW Technology ABSTRACT This paper manufacturers the situation that need to video capture in the production designed a camera video capture program.The Design of video capture program used the VFW technology to achieve. VFW is a Microsoft developed a software package on digital video, analog video via VFW technology can converted into digital signals and play. The features of the design of video capture program are: the use of Visual C + + as a development platform, Visual C + + software platform can VFW technical perfect support and can achieve visual programming, the design results are easy to observe and parameters to facilitate change and so on; by enumerating the ways all of the available video capture hardware device to display a list for the user to choose, and according to different video capture hardware video driver the ability to make the appropriate settings to achieve better collection results. The experiments show that the design of the video capture program based on VFW technique is feasible. The program not only enables video capture devices with good connections to get their driving performance, but also realize the video collection, settings, and save functions and stable performance. KEY WORDS:VFW,, 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 1 绪论 1 1.1 课题意义 1 1.2 国内外发展现状及发展趋势 1 2 系统的总体设计 3 2.1 设计任务 3 2.2 系统设计思路与平台选择 3 2.2.1 统设计思路 4 2.2.2 统设计平台选择 4 2.3 系统设计的方法 4 2.4 VFW简介 5 2.4.1 VFW的结构组成 6 2.4.2 AVIcap窗口类的基本功能 7 2.4.3 AVIcap在显示视频的两种模式 8 2.4.4 AVIcap窗口类中常用的结构 8 2.4.5 AVIcap中的回调机制 9 3 系统设计的实现 10 3.1系统流程图 10 3.2 操作主窗口和采集


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