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摘 要 当今世界已进入信息时代,在利用信息的过程中,首先要解决的就是要获取准确可靠的信息,而传感器是获取自然和生产领域中信息的主要途径与手段。在现代工业生产尤其是自动化生产过程中,要用各种传感器来监视和控制生产过程中的各个参数,使设备工作在正常状态或最佳状态,并使产品达到最好的质量。随着这些系统能力的增强,传感器的作用越来越重要。传感器已成为自动化系统和机器人技术中的关键部件,作为系统中的一个结构组成,其重要性变得越来越明显。 为了提高对传感器的认识和了解,尤其是对烟雾传感器的深入研究以及其用法与用途,本文利用单片机结合传感器技术而开发设计了这一烟雾监控系统。本论文以电阻式烟雾传感器和单片机技术为核心并与其他电子技术相结合,设计出一种技术水平较好的烟雾报警器。其中选用MQ-2型半导体可燃气体敏感元件烟雾传感器实现烟雾的检测,具有灵敏度高、响应快、抗干扰能力强等优点,而且价格低廉,使用寿命长。选用的STC12C5410AD单片机,其整合了A/D转换、硬件乘法器、硬件脉宽调制器等资源,具有高速、低功耗、超强抗干扰等优点,是目前同类技术中性价比较高的产品。 STC12C5410AD单片机和MQ-2型半导体电阻式烟雾传感器为核心设计的烟雾报警器可实现声光报警、故障自诊断、浓度显示、报警限设置、延时报警及与上位机串口通信等功能。该烟雾报警器是一种结构简单、性能稳定、使用方便、价格低廉、智能化的烟雾报警器,具有一定的实用价值。 关键词: 传感器;烟雾报警器;STC12C5410AD单片机 Abstract The world has entered the information age, in the course of the use of information, we must first resolve is to obtain accurate and reliable information, and sensor is to obtain information in the field of natural and production of the main ways and means. In modern industrial production, especially in automated production processes, use a variety of sensors to monitor and control the various parameters of the manufacturing process, so that equipment or the best work in the normal state, and to reach the best quality products. With the enhanced capacity of these systems, sensors have become increasingly important. Sensors have become automated systems and robotics in a key component, as the system composed of a structure, its importance has become increasingly apparent.? In order to improve awareness and understanding of the sensor, especially for smoke sensor in-depth research, and its use and purpose, this paper microcomputer with the sensor technology development and design of this smoke control system.? In this thesis, smoke sensors and resistive technology as the core MCU and other electronic technology with the combination of skills to design a better smoke alarm. Which use MQ-2 combustible gas sensor type semiconductor Smoke Sensors detect smoke, have high sensitivity, fast response, the advantages of anti-interfe


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