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摘要 随着移动通信技术的发展,与日俱增的移动用户数量和日趋丰富的移动增值服务,使无线通信的业务量迅速增加,无限电波有限的带宽远远满足不了通信业务需求的增长。另一方面,由于移动通信系统中的同频干扰和多址干扰的影响严重,更影响了无线电波带宽的利用率。并且无线环境的多变性和复杂性,使信号在无线传输过程中产生多径衰落和损耗。这些因素严重地限制了移动通信系统的容量和性能。因此为了适应通信技术的发展,迫切需要新技术的出现来解决这些问题。这样智能天线技术就应运而生。智能天线是近年来移动通信领域中的研究热点之一,应用智能天线技术可以很好地解决频率资源匮乏问题,可以有效地提高移动通信系统容量和服务质量。开展智能天线技术以及其中的一些关键技术研究对于智能天线在移动通信中的应用有着重要的理论和实际意义。 论文的研究工作是在MATLAB软件平台上实现的。首先介绍了智能天线技术的背景;其次介绍了智能天线的原理和相关概念,并对智能天线实现中的若干问题,包括:实现方式、性能度量准则、智能自适应算法等进行了分析和总结。着重探讨了基于MATLAB的智能天线的波达方向以及波束形成,阐述了music和capon两种求来波方向估计的方法,并对这两种算法进行了计算机仿真和算法性能分析; 关键字:智能天线 ;移动通信;自适应算法;来波方向; MUSIC算法 Abstract With development of mobile communication technology,mobile users and communication,increment service are increasing,this make wireless services increase so that bandwidth of wireless wave is unfit for development of communication,On the other hand,much serious Co-Channel Interruption and the Multiple Address interruption effect utilize rate of wireless wave’s bandwidth,so the transported signals are declined and wear down,All this has strong bad effect on the capacity and performance of question and be fit for the development of communication,so smart antenna arise Smart Antenna,which is considered to be a solution to the problem of lacking frequency, becomes a hotspot in the Mobile Communication area.With this technology, Capacity of Mobile Communication system can be increased effectively and the quality of service can be improved at the same time. To study Smart Antenna and its key technologies is important both in theory and in practice。 All of the research work of this paper is based on the MATLAB software environment.First,in this paper,we make an introduction on the appearance background of the Smart Antenna technology and its relative theory and concept.In addition, some problems about its realization such as modes of its realization, rules of its performance, adaptive algorithms are analyzed. Focused on the smart antenna based on MATLAB the DOA and beam forming, and capon on the music


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