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毕业设计说明书(论文) 作 者: 学 号: 系 : 计算机 专 业: 计算机 题 目: 基于Java的图书馆管理系统的设计 指导者: (姓 名) (专业技术职务) 评阅者: (姓 名) (专业技术职务) 2012年6月6日 毕业设计(论文)中文摘要 基于Java的图书馆管理系统的设计 摘要: 随着科学技术的进步,计算机行业的迅速发展,计算机信息处理系统的引进已彻底改变了许多系统的管理方式。图书管管理系统就是其中一个,系统中解决了学校图书馆管理中出现的基本问题以及相关统计工作。系统中有服务器端和客户端两个程序。服务器端程序负责开启数据库,建立与客户端的连接,客户端程序可以实现读者用户和管理员用户的登录及内部操作。读者用户可以进行图书的查询、借阅信息的查询及个人信息的修改的操作。管理员用户可以进行图书的查询、借书还书、图书及管理员的添加、删除等操作。系统采用Java中的Swing包来进行界面的设计,使用C/S设计模式,采用了Eclipse开发平台, Access作为后台存储的数据库。论文叙述了图书馆管理系统的整个实现过程,简单介绍了Java编程的相关知识,重点阐述了各个模块的设计思想以及设计难点。 关键词:图书馆管理 Java Swing C/S Socket 毕业设计(论文)外文摘要 Title Librarian Management System Based On Java Abstract With the advances in science and technology, the rapid development of the computer industry, the introduction of computer information processing system has completely changed the management of many systems. Book tube management system is a system to solve the basic problems in the school library management and related statistical work. There are two programs of server and client systems. The server-side program is responsible for opening the database, to establish a connection with the client, the client program can readers users and administrators of the users login and internal operations. Reader users can query for books, to modify the operation of the borrow information inquiries and personal information. The administrator user can query for books, library books, books, and administrators to add, delete and other operations. The system uses Javas Swing package to interface design, C / S design pattern, using the Eclipse development platform, the Access database as the back-end storage. The paper describes the implementation process of the library management system, a brief knowledge of Java programming, focuses on the various modules of the design ideas and d


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