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毕业论文 题目:基于CC1101多机无线语音射频通讯的设计 摘 要 8年的抗日战争Abstract Eight years of Anti-Japanese War years, our country because of the weapons production scale behind our enemy, Japan so then widely used special forces combat, hope Yu Junli serious backward circumstances victory over the enemy. At that time the guerrilla warfare in China is largely similar to modern special operations strategy. The organization of the communist party of China, the Anti-Japanese War our in behind the enemy lines, large-scale attacks supplies and Japanese researchers. It is said that American troops are in see inspired by the Chinese army combat mode, to establish the special operations forces of the United States. Commando is like an assassin, at any time under the call of motherland into the heart of the enemy. In the previous paragraph if you notice that the word quiet, said quietly on the military doesnt exist, the spear is the shield of the enemys important military facilities are generally tight prevention and control, we need to use special operations forces raid infiltration. Special forces between the most taboo is whispered conversation with spoken English, sign language is the best communication tool. But use sign language and must be with the help of visible light, and is usually we say during the day. But we need better cover yourself again, so are generally choose the night under the act, the implementation of the sign language is met with some difficulties, I was thinking about whether can use wireless technology to design a silent communication device, so as to solve the problem, which makes me have the original intention of working on a solo communication module. Key words: special forces, sign language, silent communication, communication module. 目录 摘 要 2 第一章 前言 6 第二章 方案的提出与确定 8 2.1系统设计思想 8 2.2设计方案的比较 9 第三章 总体设计方案 12 3.1设计系统的总体方案: 12 3.2 功能描述 12 3.3 总体设计框图 13 第四章 硬件电路设计 14 4.1设计简介 14 4.1.1 CC1101射频模块介绍 14 4.1.2 单片机最小系统介绍 15 4.1.3 语音录放电路介绍 16 4.1.4 按键模块介绍 17 4.1.5 电源模块介绍 17 4.1


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