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JIANGXI AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY 本 科 毕 业 设 计 题目: 基 于 DDS的 函 数 发 生 器 学 院: 工学院 姓 名: 汪翠 学 号: 专 业: 电子信息工程 年 级: 2008级 指导教师: 周华茂 职 称:副教授 二零一二 年 五 月 摘 要 一块DDS芯片中主要包括频率控制寄存器、高速相位累加器和正弦计算器三个部分。频率控制寄存器可以串行或并行的方式装载并寄存用户输入的频率控制码;而相位累加器根据频率控制码在每个时钟周期内进行相位累加得到一个相位值;正弦计算器则对该相位值计算数字化正弦波幅度(芯片一般通过查表得到)。DDS芯片输出的一般是数字化的正弦波,因此还需经过高速D/A转换器和低通滤波器才能得到一个可用的模拟频率信号。 基于直接数字频率合成 (DDS) 原理,利用 AT89C52 单片机作为控制器件,采用 AD9850型DDS器件设计一个信号发生器。给出了信号发生器的硬件设计和软件设计参数,该系统可输出正弦波、方波,且频带较宽、频率稳定度高,波形良好。该信号发生器具有更强的市场竞争力,在跳频技术、无线电通信技术方面具有比较广阔的发展前景。信号发生器;直接数字频率合成;AD9850 芯片;AT89C52 单片机Abstract A piece of DDS chip mainly includes frequency control registers, high-speed phase accumulators and sine calculator three parts. Frequency control register can serial or parallel way loaded and hosting the user input frequency control code; And phase accumulators according to the frequency control code in each clock cycle for phase accumulate get a phase value; In this phase is sine calculator value calculation digital sine wave amplitude (chip general through the look-up table get). The general is DDS chip output digital sine wave, and so is required to pass through the D/A converter and low-pass filter to get one of the available simulation frequency signal.. On the basis of direct digital synthesis (DDS) principle, a signal generator was designed using AT89C52 single chip machine as the control device and adopting AD9850 type DDS device. Hardware and software design parameters were given. The system can output sine wave, square wave with wide frequency band, high frequency stability and good waveform. The signal generator has stronger market competitiveness with wider development prospect in frequency modulation technology and radio communication technology fields. Key words : signal generator; direct digital synthesis; AD9850; AT89C52. 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 目 录 III 1 引言 1 1.1 选题背


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