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基于单片机的数字电压表的设计 作者姓名: 专业名称:测控技术与仪器 指导教师: 讲师 摘要 在电路设计中我们时常会用到电压表,过去大部分电压表还是模拟的,虽然精度较高但模拟电压表采用指针式,里面是磁电或电磁式结构,所以响应较慢。为适应许多高速信号领域目前广泛使用数字电压表。数字电压表是诸多数字化仪表的核心与基础。而单片机是数字电压表的核心与基础。单片机是一种集成电路芯片,采用超大规模技术把具有数据处理能力(如算术运算、逻辑运算、数据传送、中断处理)的微处理器(CPU)。单片机控制系统能够取代以前利用复杂电子线路或数字电路构成的控制系统,可以软件控制来实现,并能够实现智能化。本设计是基于AT89c51单片机的一种8路输入电压测量电路,该电路采用ADC0809作为A/D转换元件,测量范围0至5伏,小数点后显示一位。要求能够依次显示每路通道电压,而且能够通过拨码开关选择输入通道。在4位的共阴LED显示器上显示采集到的电压(可保留小数点后三位)。 本系统主要包括四大模块:数据采集模块、控制模块、显示模块、A/D转换模块。绘制电路原理图与工作流程图,并进行调试,最终设计完成了该系统的硬件电路。在软件编程上,采用了汇编语言进行编程,开发环境使用WAVE集成开发环境。开发了显示模块程序、通道切换程序、A/D转换程序。 关键词:AT89c51 ADC0809 A/D转换 LED显示 Abstract In a circuit design we often use the voltmeter, past the voltmeter or simulation most, although high accuracy but simulation voltmeter using Pointers type, it is inside magnetoelectricity or assolenoid style structure, so response slower. In order to adapt to the many highspeed signal digital voltmeter field is now widely used. Digital voltmeter is the core of many digital instrument with the foundation. And MCU is the core and foundation digital voltmeter. SCM is an integrated circuit chip, using vlsi technology integrates the data processing ability (such as arithmetic and logical operations, data transfer, interrupt handling) microprocessor (CPU). Single-chip microcomputer control system can be replaced by complex electronic circuit or before digital circuit consists of control systems, to realize control software, and able to realize intelligent. This design is A kind of based on AT89c51 8 road input voltage measurement circuit, this circuit USES ADC0809 as A/D conversion components, measurement range 0 to 5 volts, that displays A decimal point. Every road requirement can be ordinal display, and be able to channel voltage code switch choice by dial input. In four total of Yin LED monitors displayed the collected voltage (may retain decimal point three). This system mainly including four modules: data acquisition module, control module, display module, A/D


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