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外文翻译原文 Quality and Safety of Aquatic Products in China Material Source: Sustainability in Food and Water An Asian Perspective Author: Wang Xi Chang Tao Cen Tao Ning Ping a nd Liu YuanAbstract: The quality and safety of aquatic products have attracted more and moreattention to all levels including fishery supervisor governors aquatic productsmanufactures and final consumers in recent years. The countrywide establishment ofHACCP and traceability system in China has gradually enhanced the security ofaquatic products across the whole production chain from aquaculture processingdistribution to consumption.Key words: Aquatic products HACCP quality safety traceability Background Supervised by Department of Fisheries under the Ministry of AgricultureChinese fisheries production has witnessed sustainable development. The output ofChinese aquatic products was up to 51 million tonnes in the year of 2005 whichaccounted for over one-third of global fisheries production and China fishery hasplayed an important role in aquatic product trade of the world Wang 2005 2006. Itis noteworthy that the quality and safety of aquatic products became the mostimportant issues of food supply especially in China with the consumers’ increasingrequirements in the 21st century which include such factors as urgency of foodsecurity the rapid rhythm of life inhanced nutrition and health consciousness andthe diversifed consumption level and structure. Situation and Discussion In order to solve the serious bottleneck problems which influenced its domesticeconomic and social development China will give priority to technologicaldevelopment in the field of auqaculture from 2006 to 2020. According to the outlineof a national program the implementation will be focused on 11 major sectors asfollows: health and disease control for aquatic production fine-processing anddeep-processing as well as modern storage and transportation for aquatic productscomprehensive exploration and utilization of biological resourc


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