手持GPS在工程中的应用(含外文翻译) 毕业论文.docx

手持GPS在工程中的应用(含外文翻译) 毕业论文.docx

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手持GPS在工程中的应用(含外文翻译) 毕业论文

手持GPS在工程中的应用摘要全球定位系统(Global Positioning System简称GPS)是目前国际上最先进的导航定位系统, 已在很多领域得到广泛应用。其在测绘领域中的应用更是较传统测绘手段的一次飞跃。在一些基础测量项目、水利工程或其他工程建设实施前, 通常要进行野外实地查勘或工程测绘。在查勘时,常需要根据已知资料去寻找实物标志。或者把查勘到的实物标志标注到已有的测图中,或者需要近似测出查勘点的平面位置和高程。依据资料寻找实物标志,过去主要依赖有关当事人的记忆完成。对于生疏之地,往往费工费时且收效甚微。把查勘到的实物标志较为准确和及时地标注到地图上,更是难以实现。在中小比例尺测绘或航测调绘作业时,要进行岸线(水边)定位、特殊地物地貌的定位、固定标志的寻找和部分散点的定位测量。采用常规仪器法施测,作业效率低且难度大。而采用GPS定位施测就能很好地解决这些问题, 且更为快捷和准确。手持GPS以其携带方便、操作简单、定位速度快等优点在一些精度要求较低的测绘( 如工程初勘、找点、收资等) 中应用非常方便。手持式GPS是GPS家族中产量最大、使用面最广、和个人用户关系最密切的GPS产品,虽然手持式GPS接收机体积小巧,价格便宜,用两节五号电池就能工作很长时间,但是它依然是通过接收20200公里高空的卫星信号来定位的,定位精度同样能达到5-10米。本文就此内容展开研究。关键字:手持GPS,手持GPS的精度,工程应用Handheld GPS in engineering applicationAbstractThe Global Positioning System (GPS as Global Positioning System) is the most advanced navigation and Positioning System in the international, it is widely applied in many areas. In the field of the surveying and mapping application, it is a leap relative to the traditional means of surveying and mapping. Before the implementation of some basic measuring project, water conservancy project and other engineering construction, it generally need field survey and engineering surveying. In the survey, it often need to look for the real sign according to the known information, or mark the physical symbol marking surveyed in the existing map, or need to approximate measure of plane position and survey points elevation. Searching the physical signs based on datum, it mainly depends on the memory of the parties concerned in the past. For unfamiliar land, it often requires a lot of labor and is time-consuming but gets little effect. It is more difficult to make the real sign surveyed more accurate and to note on the map timely. In the medium and small scale mapping or aerial surveying work, it must carry on the coast (water) orientation, special features of the landscape orientation, looking for fixed sign and the measurement of some scattered points. With conventional instrument method, its low efficiency and difficult. But


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