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perpetual motion machine:永动机 time and again:三番五次 commercial consequence/benefit/value:商业价值 by and large:总的来说 computer program:计算机程序 amount to: eq \o\ac(○,1)共计达到 eq \o\ac(○,2)意味着 of necessity:必然地 at every turn:处处 have little to do with...:和...没太大关系 by the same token:处于同样的原因 by all accounts: eq \o\ac(○,1)据大家所说 eq \o\ac(○,2)人人都这么说 at bottom:实际上 on appeal:在上诉中 sb’s marriage proposal:某人的求婚 in short:简单地说 monopoly(patent) right:专利权 the fierce competition:激烈的竞争 outside of ...:prep 在...外面 team sport:团体性运动 peaceful coexistence:和平共处 get over there:到那边去 legal guardian:合法监护人 a peace offering:和平礼物,谢罪礼 the last (sth) but one:倒数第二(什么) take the floor: eq \o\ac(○,1)起立发言 eq \o\ac(○,2)上台发言 on board:在船(火车、飞机、汽车)上 by birth:生来 for the better:好转 make an attempt at doing(to do) sth:试图做... arise from...:由...引起 a drop in the bucket:九牛一毛,沧海一粟 law school(faculty of law):法学院 to sum up:总之 a loan shark:放高利贷的人 a sad dog:粗野的人 work like magic:很有效 wear the pants in the family:一家之主 take the lead:领先 think nothing of...:不在意... lead a happy and meaningful life:过幸福而有意义的生活 reserve a table:订一个桌 fossil fuel:化石燃料 energy security:能源安全 environment protecting plant:环保植物 the Nobel Prize:诺贝尔奖 a chemical element:一种化学元素 red alert:红色警报 the seeing eye dog:导盲犬 in a way:在某种程度上 to a certain extent: eq \o\ac(○,1)在一定程度上 eq \o\ac(○,2)在某种程度上 to a great extent:很大程度上 to a certainty:一定 run the risk of...:冒...的危险 be immersed in...:沉溺于... no less:仍然 natural disaster/calamity:自然灾害 climate damage:气候灾害 at stake:在危险中 information technology:信息技术 economic growth:经济增长 trend line:趋势线 green energy:绿色能源 the first world war:第一次世界大战 the third technical revolution:第三次技术革命 be destined to...:一定会... look sb in the eye:直视某人 false assumption:错误假设 sb’s misjudgement about...:某人对...的错误判断 give responses to sb’s question:对某人的问题作出回应 physical appearance:外表 a know-it-all:自以为无所不知的人 economic globalization:经济全球化 discard the stereotype:抛弃陈规 tap into the full potential of...:充分发挥...方面的潜能 a inclusive attitude:包容的态度 tuition fee:学费 in mass


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