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NOT FOR NEW DESIGN AS OF 2007-10-19 This standard is valid when there is a reference to it. 此标准只有在被提及的情况下才有效。 ”Not for new design” is only an indication to our design departments. “不适应于新设计”只针对于Volvo的设计部 The English language version is the original and the 英文版本是原版,如有争议,请参考英文版本 reference in case of dispute. Deburring 去毛刺 Orientation 定位 The standard is identical to the previously issued 此标准等同于之前发布的STD 5080,341 standard STD 5080,341. This issue differs from issue 1 in that the standard no 与版本1不同之处是,本版本不再适应于新的设计。 longer applies to new design. For new designs, STD 102-0008 shall be used. 对于新的设计,STD 102-0008适应。 Contents 目录 1 Scope and field of application 1 应用范围 2 Definition 2 定义 3 Requirements 3 要求 4 Indication on drawing 4 图纸上的标注 1 Scope and field of application 1 应用范围 The standard specifies how indications shall be made 此标准说明了当材料边缘要求去毛刺和倒钝时,图 on drawings when edges shall be free from burrs or 纸上应该如何标注。 broken. What is meant in this standard by an edge being free 此标准还解释了什么是去毛刺,什么是锐角倒钝。 from burrs or an edge being broken is also explained. The standard also specifies the requirements that 此标准也说明了在没有去毛刺和锐角倒钝的特 apply when no special requirement concerning edge 殊要求时的一般要求。 free from burrs or broken edge has been indicated. The standard should be applied when there is obvious 此标准适应于有如下明显危害的情况: risk of ? personal injury ? 造成? functional disturbance ? 功能失调的情况 ? corrosion ? 有腐蚀的情况 For parts which are to be painted it may sometimes be 对于要喷漆处理的工件来说,有时有必要说明 necessary to specify that the edges shall be broken. 工件的边缘应该倒钝。 The reason for this is that the paint film is less thick on 原因是,在尖锐


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