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博源国际寄宿学校2013年寒假作业八年级英语学科试卷5 完成时间: 家长签字: A、根据句意和所给中文写出句中所缺的单词。 1. I enjoy the________(美丽) of the countryside in spring. 2. —How many________(飞机场) are there in this city? —Only one. 3. There are _________(超过) 2,000 students in our school. 4.Which team won the World __________(奖杯) in 2002? 5. Do you enjoy watching the _________(日落)? 6. How will we go to the World Park, by train or by________(长途汽车)? 7. What was the score at__________(中场休息)? 8. Let’s __________(欢呼) for our basketball team, OK? 9. The old woman lives by__________(她自己). 10. I hear _________(总统) George Bush will visit China next month. B、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Playing computer games is one of his __________(interest). 2. Did you enjoy__________(you) at the party last night, children? 3. Shanghai and Beijing are big___________(city) in China and in the world. 4. They played some music at the ________(begin) of the meeting. 5. Robert did very _________(bad) in the English exam. 6. The _______(win) will get a prize of $500. 7. Wang Yongfeng is a good_________(climb) in China. 8. The scientists told us some _________(amaze) stories of UFOs. 9. The _______(leaf) of this tree begin to turn yellow when autumn comes. 10. ________(luck), I got 60 marks and passed the exam at last. C、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. The zebra is very ( peace ). 2. Giant pandas like eating bamboo shoots and ( leaf ) 3. We should take the ( follow ) actions to help the wild animals. 4 ( hurt ) can’t kill the wild animals any more . 5. When did Xi Wang start to look after ( she ) ? 6.May is燼燺_______?truly)爁riend.? 7.營t抯爄mportant爐hat爉y燽est爁riend燿oesn抰爐ell爋thers爉y燺_______?secret). 8.燬he爄s燺_____________ (tall)爂i ( hurt ) carl爄n爉y燾lass.? 9.營爐hink爏wimming爄s爊ot燼s燺_______?interesting)燼s爃iking.? 10.燣ily抯燿rawing爄s燺_______爐han燣ucy抯.?bad)? 11.營爐hink爄t抯爐ime爁or燺_______?we)爐o爈eave爊ow.? 12.燱ho爓as爐he燺_______爄n爐he爃igh爅ump??win)? 13.


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