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一、不定冠词a,an的用法 1.泛指:用于首次提到某人或某物或表示“一”这个数量,意思和one类似。 A proverb says that ________ new broom sweeps clean,but ________ old one knows all the corners. A.a; the         B.a; anC.the; an???? D.the; a 2.类指:用于单数可数名词前,表示某一类人或事物。 Laid-off workers cannot afford to purchase medicines from ________ chemist when they get sick,nor do their children keep ________ healthy diet. A.a; /????? B.a; a? C.the; /???? D.the; the 3.用于抽象名词和物质名词前,使抽象名词具体化,意为“一种……”,“一份……”等:用于breakfast,lunch,supper前表示“一顿”。—What do you think of the manager of your company? —Oh,he is ________ manager whos pleasant to work with. Its _____ pleasure to work with him. A.the; a?? B.a; aC.a; the?? D./; a 4.用于形容词最高级前无比较含义。—What do you think of ________ question? —Well,________ most difficult one indeed. A./; the??? B./; aC.the; a??? D.the; the 5.用于人名、地名等专有名词前,意为“某个叫……的人”,“一个像……的人”,“一个……的地方”等。相当于some。—Hello,could I speak to Mr.Smith? —Sorry,wrong number.There isnt ________Mr.Smith here. A./????? B.a? C.the??? D.one Rosa didnt remember the exact date of the storm,but she knew it was ________ Sunday because everybody was at ________ church. A./; the??? B.a; /C./; a???? D.the; / 6.用于表示时间或度量单位的名词前,意为“每一……”。用于价格、速度等。 They met each other once________month. A.the??? B./C.a??? D.an The envelopes are one yuan ________dozen. A.a??? B.anC.the??? D./ 7.用于固定搭配中: at a time 每次once upon a time从前make a fool of oneself出洋相 an hour or two一两个小时take a bath洗澡a great many很多 have a walk散步as a rule照例take an interest in…对……产生兴趣 make a living谋生have a smoke抽支烟 as a matter of fact事实上as a whole全部地,整体 —In recent years,________ problem of global warming has been very serious. —Thats right.People are facing ________ number of natural disasters now. A./; a??? B.a; theC.the; a?? D.a; a 8.用在序数词前表示“又一,再一” Some of the exercises appear to be ________ ones that you have done,but after taking ________ second look,you will find that they are different. A./; the??? B.the; theC.the; a??? D./; a In order to find ________ better job,he decided to study ________ secon



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