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Unit 1 Technology in Reverse By Robert J. Samuelson --What kind of technology has impressed you most so far? STRUCTURE Part 1: 1 “retarded technology” Part 2: 2-9 Examples of the waste and expensiveness of retarded technology Reasons for the survival of retarded technology part 3: 10-11 Rational !!! retarded[r?tɑrd?d] : in reverse; returning to sth worse; Retard: to delay the development of sth, or to make sth happen more slowly than expected 1)Cold weather retards the growth of many plants. 2) mentally/ emotionally retarded: less intelligent than other people because of slower mental development. Elaborate | ?l?b?r?t]: complex, complicated 1)If you elaborate a plan or theory, you develop it by making it more complicated and more effective. 2)If you elaborate on something that has been said, you say more about it, or give more details. Alluring /?l?r??/ : attractive Para. 1 1. What is retarded technology? -- retarded technology may not push the world ahead, but holds it back. 2. Does the author approve or disapprove of all technology? Why? --Disapprove. Because he classifies technology into two categories, “advanced technology”, and “retarded technology”. Customized: made according to user’s needs 1)The program allows computer users to customize the menu. 该程序允许电脑用户自定义菜单。 Swell [swel] : really nice Cumbersome | k?mb?s?m] : complicated and inefficient clogged with sand: blocked with sand clog (up) sth with 1)The roads were clogged with traffic. 路上交通阻塞 Para. 2 Newsweek: an International Newsmagazine The national press in each country is no longer sufficient to fully understand the ways in which nations and people interact, and the impact this has on all our lives. You need an international viewpoint, and for this, nothing can replace Newsweek. Boom: “baby boom” How does the author think of electronic books? a swell idea of retarded technology Cumbersome troublesome handsome winsome It gets clogged with sand It gets blocked with sand, which results in its


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