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摘 要自动变速器(AT)是现代车辆传动系统中的重要部件。汽车自动变速器技术在国外已处于成熟发展阶段,而我国技术水平相对落后。国内的自动变速器主要以进口为主,国内的自动变速器技术,尤其是自动变速器液压系统的开发设计能力与国外技术相比有一定差距,缺乏在自动变速器液压系统上一定的设计与研究开发能力。本文基于自动变速箱液压系统的工作原理,对轿车AT变速箱进行了液压系统方案设计,以液压系统功能要求作为依据,经理论计算得到执行元件离合器的参数,确定工况图分析液压系统的四个部分绘制出液压系统原理图。然后计算液压泵,蓄能器等液压元部件的参数进行了选型,对换挡滑阀进行了设计计算。根据液压系统设计方案原理图,在仿真软件 AMESim环境下建立了液压系统中部分阀的仿真模型并进行仿真分析,验证了计算的正确性。关键词:自动变速器;液压系统;换挡滑阀;仿真分析AbstractAutomatic transmission (AT) is an important part of modern vehicle transmission system. Automatic transmission technology has been in the mature stage of development in foreign countries, and Chinese technical level is relatively backward. Domestic automatic transmission mainly to import the main domestic automatic transmission technology, especially automatic transmission hydraulic system development and design capabilities compared with foreign technology has a certain gap, the lack of automatic transmission in the hydraulic system on a certain design and research and development capabilities.Based on the working principle of the automatic transmission hydraulic system, the design of the hydraulic system of the AT gearbox is carried out. Based on the hydraulic system functional requirements, the parameters of the actuator clutch are calculated and the parameters of the hydraulic system are determined. Part of the hydraulic system to draw a schematic diagram. And then calculate the hydraulic pump, accumulator and other hydraulic components of the parameters were selected, the shift valve was designed and calculated. According to the schematic diagram of the hydraulic system design scheme, the simulation model of the partial valve in the hydraulic system is established under the simulation software AMESim and the simulation analysis is carried out to verify the correctness of the calculation.Keywords: Automatic transmission;Hydraulic system;Shift slide valve;Simulation analysis目录摘 要IAbstractII1 绪 论11.1 研究背景及意义21.2 自动变速器的液压系统研究现状31.3 本文研究的主要内容62 AT变速器液压系统的方案设计82.1AT液压系统设计要求82.2供油调压和流量控制系统102.3换挡


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